It started with a notice from the cable company, which also provides the service for our FAX line. A landline.
"Oh, hey, guess what? We're going all digital and need to come to your house and screw life as you know it!"
Okay, that's a small exaggeration, but as someone who does not have ANY local friends (by choice), no visitors at all, well, having a stranger in the house doing something that I do not want done (taking away the landline, which works without electricity), it doesn't only upset my apple cart, it also pours gasoline and throws a match on it.
I loathe change that is not of my doing, no matter how small.
So, he'll have to be in the office. Our office. The office that hasn't had a decent cleaning since before the catcam was taken down. A long time. Long. Really long. I need to clean.
Well, the weekend before the appointment was cold so I rescheduled the appointment. Deep cleaning needs open doors and windows. It just does. Cold weather needs the remote control and a blanket. Totally different ends of the spectrum. That Thursday, I started the cleaning. A little at a time. Marking cats create a lot of messes, for sure.
Things were going smoothly until I tripped over a cat bed outside and went down on Saturday. It wasn't really bad, the hurt usually doesn't hit right away and I took advantage of it. I didn't do as good of a cleaning as I'd planned on, but the floors were cleaned and the worst places that had been marked (but not easily accessible for a wash rag and cleaner) were taken care of. Anyway, the guy gets here late the following Tuesday, but finally gets the new line working.
The next day, my leg started to hurt. Ah, yeah, so dependable, this pain.
Last Thursday, I did the bank reconciliation for February. I finished quickly, then decided to pop the Turbo Tax disk into the computer.
That done, I figured I'd go ahead and get the taxes started. Just to see what I'd need to do to get them as low as possible.
The taxes were done by late afternoon. Wow! I was on a roll!
Friday morning, I printed them out. The printer puked back gibberish. Oh, not the whole thirty-six pages. But over half was garbage. Great. Just great. Wonderful. I tried a different printer. Same problem. I rebooted. Same problem. Wasting lots of paper (luckily, I started with the cheap crap we use for ourselves, but the shredder was runnin' hot).
I finally figured maybe it was the PDF software I was using. I've only used it for printing out the craft stuff, never any forms. I downloaded Adobe (free!), print out a copy of the forms and yay! Not gibberish!
And wouldn't you know it? The toner was low and a strip on each sheet of paper printed way too light. So, I pulled the printer out from its nook, removed the toner cartridge, did the back and forth thing with it to redistribute the toner, started the print again.
Damn it. I need to replace the toner. Shaking the cartridge did not work.
Cartridge replaced (I've learned when I get down to my last of anything, order more right then), I print out the tax forms. All I need now is money. They will go out next Tuesday.
So, my digestive system has been a little iffy. We have a love/hate relationship with food. I love to eat and it hates to digest properly at times, loves to punish me for years of bad eating habits. And this weekend was just full of punishment. Ever since I had my gallbladder out, the stomach acid has been a problem. Last month I took omeprazole every morning for two weeks. Life was great! Then I stopped. Because long term use of PPIs can make you stupid. I do not want to be stupid.
But stopping it can also make the situation worse. And guess what happened! Go ahead! Guess!
Yeah, buddy, it got worse. Majorly worse. And it wasn't just the reflux, there were other things going on. Lots of gas. Maybe because of the fiber supplement Brian had been after me to take? Who knows. Not me.
Anyway, I spent the weekend down. On the sofa with a blanket. For some reason, I peed a lot. Well, I wasn't eating much (afraid) and drinking lots of water, trying to help flush whatever was happening in my internals down the toilet.
Sadly, I missed a nice lunch with the fam yesterday. Brian went without me, that's okay, I was the one in pain, not him. I'm sure if I'd asked him to stay home, he would have.
Today, I'm starting to feel a lot better.
And the taxes are done!