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      Monday, April 16, 2018

11:38 AM - 04/16/2018

The topic: Conversations


Me: on the sofa, did he call my name? I turn down the sound on the television

Me: Did you call me?

Him: Yes, could you please come in here and help me?

Me: You want me to get off of my ass and come back there to help you?

Him: Yes, please.

Me: put my tablet down and walk back into the office

Him: I'm trying to order more boxes and I can't get past this page

Me: I look at the page. It's a big company and they do business with other companies that most likely have more than one shipping address. We do not. I click the button that says "use" next to our address. This does the job. He can now submit the order. Took all of ten seconds to "fix" this. I start to walk away.

Him: starts laughing, having just realized how easy the fix was.

Me: smiling - I'm a goddess


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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