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      Thursday, April 26, 2018

10:09 AM - 04/26/2018

The topic: A quick update


Okay, updates.

Rocky's toe isn't getting any better and it's interfering with his walking. It's close to golf ball size now. I called the vet's office last Friday to make an appointment for the removal of that toe. That happens tomorrow, it was the soonest appointment he had. And he's back to hating his meds.

Rachel is doing a lot better after her dental. It's taken a few weeks, but she's back to eating and wanting to be loved in the morning.

The weather has been gorgeous mid-day, but cold in the morning. Sadly, when it's cold, I put the blanket over me and it's "say, goodnight, Dianne". Yeah, I fall asleep. Add to that the fact that my immune system is pretty busy fighting off the seasonal pollen, I haven't been very active. I have no idea what I've been doing and from the progress I've made, it looks like I've been doing a whole lot of nothing.

I have been cooking dinner again, which is nice. I really backed off after Brian's mom died. But I find myself thinking about what to make for dinner the next day, do I have the ingredients I need? I'm glad to be back in the kitchen. Tired of fast food.

I'm doing a fairly good job of keeping up with paperwork. I have seven invoices to sent out, that shouldn't take all that long. Business has been pretty slow, not sure if it's because people paid taxes or vacations or crappy weather. But it's starting to pick up. The money situation got kind of iffy with the cost of Rachel's dental, we were cutting it pretty close. Luckily, there was still money from the sale of his Bronco, so that got us past the roughest patch. The house payment and taxes got paid on time.

Brian finished his radiation therapy on the 17th and it's great to be able to schedule things again. Like dinner. We won't know if it took for a couple of months, when he starts getting his PSA retested. From what I understand, it will spike up, then start dropping.

I've been taking pictures of the projects I've been doing, I really need to get those posted. Like the Christmas tree. I'll probably start on another balloon soon. Man, I love doing those....so many ideas...


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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