Reception put a note on her chart that she's not used to people. So, here's the deal.
It is her mouth. She has such a tartar buildup on one side of her mouth, that her cheek is raw. The vet used a stick to look in her mouth, kept his fingers well away from the teeth. The note on her chart said "watch". He did.
She has at least one loose canine and, as far as he could see, some bad molars.
He said it didn't look like any cancer, but that he'd want to do pre-surgical bloodwork (which I expected). And then they'd put her under, take an x-ray to make sure there was nothing malicious in her mouth, then do the cleaning/tooth removal. I asked "are you going to take her bloodwork now?" He said "we can do it all today".
Yeah, I think maybe that "watch" note on her chart kind of put her to the head of the line and the less time she spends stressed, the better off she'll be. Now, just waiting on him to call with the bloodwork results.