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      Wednesday, January 16, 2008

07:31 PM - 01/16/2008

The topic: Meet our new kitty cats!


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Meet Bobby.  Bobby found a nice spot in the rafters.  He finally started coming down three nights ago.  Early this morning, he actually came into the bedroom and got a little petting from the two of us.  He’s nocturnal, which would lead me to believe that contrary to what she told me, mom did not get him in at night.  A neighbor told me that’s the reason she left one of her car windows down.

click for a larger pic

And here’s Miss E (as in Elizabeth).  She’s very quiet and reserved.  She’s also Lisa’s half sister; just six months older (same mom).  I think she likes it here, although she’s not overly fond of the other cats.  She’s started sleeping in the bedroom. I find it telling that she stays in the open now. When she was at moms, she was always hiding.  I think because mom could be loud at times. 

It’s a lot quieter here.

I think they’ll do okay. Miss has already been outside a couple of times, the last time she hightailed it into the house when she was a little nervous about being outside.  Bobby hasn’t been out yet, we aren’t going to let him out until he’s more secure being inside first.

There are more pictures of these two over in the album (link at bottom of page).

Those are two GORGEOUS cats!  I am glad you have Lisa’s sister now.  Part of her has come back to you in a way.  They’ve landed in cat heaven there.  I can’t think of a better place.

Posted by Lisa @ Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 12:18:53 AM

Bobby is gorgeous, I love a nicely striped kitty.  Miss E looks like she is related to Sammy.  They are both very nice looking kitties, and will be very happy at their ‘sisters’ house.

Posted by May Ellen @ Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 9:17:25 AM

Beautiful kitties!  They are very lucky to have you to care for them.

Posted by Peggy @ Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 9:43:46 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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