When I was sixteen we went on a camping trip. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay home, but the parents said that wasn't an option.
On the way, in our car, with a new trailer, only fifty hours in our possession, three cats in the car, one dog, a drunk in a truck ran a stop sign. Totaled the car and trailer, lost the cats (never to be found), my mom had broken ribs, I had a broken sternum and a broken back. The drunk driver died, leaving behind a wife and young children. No insurance.
I was in the hospital for a while and out of school for months. Life went on.
So, as I've gotten older, arthritis has hit the area of my back that was broken and if I overdo it, it takes a while to feel better. It's hard to take a deep breath when this happens. The kinds of things like making cookies or grating massive amounts of cheese seem to exacerbate the pain. It's a mid-back thing, I'm short, and reaching up to the counters puts my arms in an odd position.
Last week I got a new (refurbished) computer to switch out with the current system I use for Plex. I switched it out this past weekend and it went pretty smoothly. I decided I wanted to change out the power strip behind my work PC, which had many peripherals plugged in. Instead of a wide strip, I got a long strip that would be a cleaner option behind the computers. I started setting that up yesterday morning.
And the stretching woke up my back. I spent yesterday afternoon on a heating pad, last night on a heating pad, this morning was okay, but I did a little paperwork, and sitting at the desk got very uncomfortable.
Back on the heating pad.
I have work to do and it doesn't include the heating pad or ibuprofen or naproxen.
But the new system is worth it!