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      Friday, June 21, 2024

11:12 AM - 06/21/2024

The topic: Quick update

I don't know why, but I'm having a hard time focusing and just sitting my ass down and posting here regularly. I find myself scrolling through Facebook looking for "AITA" (am I the asshole) posts. I find them so entertaining. Anyway...

Brian is doing well, life is back on track. One thing he learned during his downtime was to relax and not work so hard. Each day has been starting out with an hour or so of television. Absolutely unheard of. It's been three months today.

We took Fury in to the vet about a week and a half ago, he'd been having some issues the previous weekend. It was only two days, but he had gotten over whatever it was by his appointment day. We went anyway.

X-rays were taken and the news isn't good. He's starting to get a fluid buildup in his lungs from the cancer. The vet gave him one to two months of quality life. You wouldn't know he's ill to look at him, he's not acting any differently, and his breathing isn't showing any signs of distress, which makes me optimistic, but then he has a coughing fit and that brings it all home. It's only happening every couple of days, but it's happening. He's eating three to four jars of baby food a day. I add a little water because he still has kidney problems, he also gets fluids every couple of days.

We're doing what we can to keep him comfortable. He's spending most of the days outside, but comes in to be with us in the evenings and overnight.

Jingles (the dawg) was breathing too fast last month. We took him in a month ago today and he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He's on lasix for the fluid buildup and pimobenden to strengthen his heart. He'll be on these for the rest of his life.

He's not as bouncy as he had been (most likely the drugs), but he loves getting pilled, since the meds are wrapped in deli meat.

All the rest of the critters are doing well.

It's going to be hot for the next week, at least. I am not looking forward to it at all.

And that's about it for now.

jingles    fury   

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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