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      Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10:36 AM - 03/25/2009

The topic: Introducing…....



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I’m sure you can see where he got his name..jesterA Brian was in favor of Homer, but I said no!  You name him Homer, I’ll call him Homey. Brian said no way, so we went with Spot.  That became official after we were sure that the marking on his side was not temporary.

We went to the vet this morning, where he tested disease free (yay!), no microchip, and the vet said he looks pretty healthy after a thorough exam.  Said he’s probably a year to a year and a half old.  I found this amazing since he put Skippy at a year and a half, and Skippy weighs twice as much.  So, it’s looking like we have kitty number (koff koff) thirty-seven.  [gulp]

I took some pictures of him yesterday and some more this morning, in the back yard.  It’s a very, very nice day, very pleasant and it was nice just sitting on the ground with the camera. 

Let me tell you about Spot’s first day here.

After spending the better part of the morning trying to find a way out, he spent the rest of the day in the family room window, sleeping peacefully.

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That ended after we went to bed.  He cried all night long, looking for a way out.  Memories of Bobby last year.  I hope Spot doesn’t take as long to get used to the diurnal life we live here as Bobby did.

Back from the vet, out of the carrier and he’s officially a new family member.  He stopped by the fountain for a drink of cool water. His chin looks really goofy in this picture.

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Skippy took right to him. We’re thinking they knew each other before coming into the yard. Skippy didn’t react to any of the resident cats like he did Spot. After sniffing him, he followed him around, rubbing bodies and head butting him. It might be because they’re both new, but I’m thinking they were already buds.

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Lorelei, enjoying a morning sunbeam.

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Spot, rolling over in the grass.

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Ron Howard AKA Little Shit tries to start something with Spot. I heard Ron growling and watched as he arched his back in the "I dare ya" stance. Spot just yawned and Ron ended up walking away.

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And then there's sweet little Bob.

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Skippy stops and smells the whatever on his way to his day bed, between the mondo grasses.

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Oliver, the bread head (his face smells like freshly baked bread...yum!). He just doesn't know what to make of all the new cats. He does know they do not make him happy.

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Right now, Spot is down by the pool, just checking things out.  It doesn’t appear that he’s looking for a way out, but just learning his new digs.

I hope he likes it here.

Welcome home Spot!

Posted by Pat @ Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 3:30:56 PM

Spot is a cutie! My mom has a 3 colored boykitty as well, pic of him here smile


Posted by Peffe & Lussie @ Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 12:28:49 AM

Thirty-seven cats?
You know what the problem is?
You don’t have enough cats.
Please get some more.

Posted by Mary @ Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 5:54:13 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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