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      Thursday, September 14, 2017

06:40 PM - 09/14/2017

The topic: So, still itching


It wasn't so bad this morning, but this afternoon, I must have gotten a couple of new bites. One on my wrist and a couple on my feet. Which were bare.

And the scratching started and that got the older bites on the backs of my legs going.

Then, I had a thought. What about the stuff I got for the dogs back when we had dogs for their hot spots (this was before Frontline and Advantage). I didn't use much and have kept the bottle. Last month I used it on Sammy, who was pulling out his fur because of the itching. I sprayed some on a cotton pad and liberally applied it to the red areas. He quit scratching within the half hour.

So, I'm thinking, if it worked for Sammy, maybe it would work for me. I found the bottle and sprayed the bite on my wrist. Within five minutes, no itch. I put some on my calves, my feet and it took a little longer, but the itch is no more. Oh, yeah. I was getting tired of taking Benedryl. And Vicks, which was also greasy. This stuff is nice.  Soothing.

I wondered if they still have it and they do! I found it over on Amazon. Eqyss Micro-Tek Spray. If I can use it on my kitty cats, I can use it on me.

You're welcome.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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