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      Wednesday, September 13, 2017

04:07 PM - 09/13/2017

The topic: Insects


One of the things with Skippy this past week is it was difficult to get him to run over to me. Sometimes coaxing worked, other times it was Greenie city. Sunday, I sat in the cedar swing and he came over to me. I was in shorts and the sun was setting.

We sat there for quite a while, my Sklppy and me. He laid next to me, got up, turned around, scratched at the wood, and purred. And purred.

And the mosquitoes feasted on me. I never know that I've been bitten until hours later. Monday, I was unpleasantly surprised to discover at least ten bites on my legs, more on my arms. And I itch so much.

Last night at nine, I took a Benedryl. Then again at 2:30, after walking the yard with a flashlight, in search of Sklp (he was in one of the tractor seats), I took another one when I came back inside. I'm going nuts with the itch.

I've tried Aveeno anti-itch cream. I've tried Gold Bond anti-itch. I tried ice packs (that do a fairly good job, but it's not practical where some of the bites are and I've just got so many). I've tried rubbing alcohol. I've tried hydrogen peroxide. I tried washing the area with pretty hot water. One of the suggestions was something like Vicks Vaporub.

Looking for some miracle, in Brian's bathroom, I found some Vicks. I put it on two of the bites. A half hour later, no itch. So, I put some on three bites on my legs. Amazingly, they don't seem to be bothering me anymore. Then I remembered that I took two (TWO!!), Benedryls not that long ago. Maybe that's why no itch. And I'm getting really sleepy....

Damned bugs. We were doing so well this year with so few in the house. Then I go outside and invite them for dinner. Bastards.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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