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      Wednesday, July 11, 2012

04:16 PM - 07/11/2012

The topic: I’ve been having computer problems


the past month. I was having a hard time getting the computer to turn on. So, instead of shutting down at night, I just put it in sleep mode.

Then Sunday morning, it was deader than a doornail. I did some research and found that it was most likely the power supply.  I ordered one off of NewEgg (the old one was 300W, the new one 500W so I’ve got plenty of power) and it got here yesterday morning. I installed it yesterday afternoon.  Lots of cables and connectors, I was pretty nervous that I was going to blow it up.  The connectors weren’t labeled like the original and I called the manufacturer.  I told him I was afraid I’d kill the computer and he said he’d take responsibility.

I was shaking after I had everything attached and I turned it on. Would it start?  It sure did!

While I was waiting for the new power supply, I figured I’d install the new memory card reader I got off of eBay last year. Brian had to trim a piece from the cover for the old reader that came with the computer and I got the new reader installed.  The new reader reads SDHC cards, the old one didn’t.  I had to use an adaptor.  Unfortunately, once the computer was up and running, I kept getting a “no disk” error message.  Back to Google where one fix was to reassign drive letters.  That did the trick, my new card reader works like a charm.

Then this morning it wouldn’t start up.  I’m sure the power switch is going out on it, I found a new one (lots of refurbished switches out there) and I ordered it. It should be here by this time next week. It will be a piece of cake to replace.

Oh, and this morning I tried to get the computer to recognize my Canon Elura again.  When I plug it in to the firewire plug, the computer says it needs a driver, but it shouldn’t. Did some Google searches and came up with a couple of ideas.  The first one was to uninstall the current driver (one of those driver update programs advised updating it, I did and it hadn’t worked since).  Then reboot the computer. When it started up, it “found new hardware” and installed a Windows driver. I connected my camcorder and it works!  No more downloading to a different computer, then transferring to my computer. Woohoo!

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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