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      Monday, May 17, 2010

10:43 AM - 05/17/2010

The topic: Captain isn’t feeling well


Friday I heard a cat fight in the family room, went to investigate, it was from under the sofa.  When we got our furniture, we thought that the all reclined was pretty cool until the cats took up residence under them.  We quit using them as recliners.  But the cats like being under them, it’s dark, cool and quiet.

I don’t know who the other cat was, but Captain was showing a problem with his right eye a little later.  I started putting terramycin in it.  He’s been having this nasty crap draining from it and I keep wiping it off. I think a claw might have gotten hooked in the bottom part of the skin, the eye itself looks okay. No cloudiness or anything like that. But he didn’t bounce back, he’s been sleeping a lot.  It’s possible he got bit or clawed elsewhere and it’s infected, too.  So, I started him on amoxi this morning and I just gave him 60cc of lactated ringers since his skin wasn’t bouncing back the way it should.

I don’t doubt his face hurts a lot and he just wants to lay there. He’s not interested in food and I don’t think he’s drinking all that much.  If he’s not drinking, he could very well become dehydrated which will make him feel even worse.  I might give him more fluids later today. 

If he’s not showing improvement tomorrow, I’ll most likely take him in to the vet.

Keep him in your thoughts.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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