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      Sunday, January 20, 2008

tales from the parkside
06:37 PM - 01/20/2008

The topic: Brian was wondering


if my relationship with my mom will be any better once she’s clean and sober (if she gets clean and sober).  You know, how much of the crap in the past, the hurtful things, is because of the alcohol.  

There were times that we had fun and I felt the bond that so many mothers and daughters seem to have, a closeness that I’ve often not felt with her.  Not because I didn’t want it, but because I’ve often felt, even when I was a kid, that she just didn’t like me very much.  Yeah, sure, she loves me, but she just doesn’t like me.

We visited her today and the smoking thing seemed to be a huge fun lark to her.  Forget the fact that she was smoking right next to the oxygen that was at the end of the woman’s bed next to her. 

And for the first time in almost a week, the rails of her bed were back up in place and she was hooked up to the alarm so she couldn’t get out of bed and walk around without supervision.  She was doing so well.  She says she doesn’t remember where the cigarette or lighter came from.  We think she does know, she just won’t say.  I don’t think it was anybody in the care center, I think she had well meaning company Saturday night. 

I wish people would quit doing her favors.  *lol*

I bet it was some friend of hers from the park that is a smoker.

Posted by Norah @ Monday, January 21, 2008 - 12:05:02 PM

Can you find out who came to visit her?  Can you or Brian call around to her friends and let them know of the explosive possibility if she is given cigarettes again?  Perhaps hinting at legal repercusions if they asist in the destruction of the facility your Mom is at?

Posted by May Ellen @ Monday, January 21, 2008 - 12:56:28 PM

lisaviolet's avatar

I checked the sign in sheet when I went today and no one signed in to see her. But I’m 99.99% sure who it was.

Yeah, just a little head’s up is in order. Just one of those things most people wouldn’t even stop to consider. Us non-smokers know that smoking belongs outside in the cold, nasty weather, not inside where it’s nice and warm and toasty.  :D

Ya want it, ya gotta sacrifice.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Monday, January 21, 2008 - 1:57:44 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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