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      Tuesday, June 05, 2007

03:16 PM - 06/05/2007

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #46!

Better late than never, right?  There was a little drama on one of my forums this morning and the fallout is ongoing.  I’d completely lost track of the fact that today is Tuesday and every Tuesday deserves a great tummy!

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Today’s tummy belongs to the lovely and talented Rachel, who spends the time she’s not snoozing, in the back yard trying to catch the damn rodents who are leaving holes in the yard.

Thank you, Miss Rachel!


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

      Saturday, June 09, 2007

08:29 AM - 06/09/2007

The topic: The hard part

I know that a few of you have been there, but we’re at the point with Lonee right now. She’s had pretty loose stool for close to a year. Sometimes it’s perfect. Other times, it’s just brownish liquid. And she gets thinner and thinner.

I can’t feed her differently from the others, because at least one of the others has no respect for her age (she’s over fifteen) and steals the good food away from her. If I do anything to stop Ron Howard (AKA the Little Sh!t) from pushing his way into whatever I’ve put out for her, not only does he run, she runs, too.

I’ve tried to grab her up and take her into the bathroom to feed her, but she sits by the door and cries. She won’t eat. She’ll sniff, but she won’t eat. She did one time, she hasn’t since. And when I let her out, I can’t get close to her for at least three or four days.

I could try to get her in a carrier and take her to the vet, and they could run a multitude of tests. And they would tell me “she needs this medication and she needs this medication and you need to do this….”

And I may need to do it, but it’s hard enough to do with a cat and raised domestic, close to impossible with cat born and grown up feral (she was at least three when she came to live with us). She’ll let me pet her, she’ll purr for me, but if my fingers get close to her face (to wipe a booger from her eye or nose), she’s gone.  

And being that she’s as old as she is, and the memory of the hoops I jumped through last year to keep a cat going with no good end, at least not for me, well, we’ve discussed it and we’re just going to let nature take it’s course. She’s not ready yet, but when she is, she’ll let me take her in without fuss, I’m sure.

I hate this part of cat guardianship, I surely do. 

      Tuesday, June 12, 2007

07:36 AM - 06/12/2007

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #47!

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Once again, the lovely and talented Richie Cunningham steps up to the plate, showing off his wonderful, soft belly for today’s installment of Tummy Tuesday.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

12:03 PM - 06/12/2007

The topic: Look, Ma!

No cavities!

Went in for my first teeth cleaning since May 2003 this morning.  They took X-rays since it had been a while.

Two not good spots for periodontal, but those are both around crowns and it’s normal for this to happen.  She stressed making sure I floss well on both of those areas.  But overall, very little plaque build up. 

But she said for not having been in for so long, I’ve got a most excellent report card.


I don’t have to go back for six months!

      Friday, June 15, 2007

07:20 AM - 06/15/2007

The topic: Really sporadic entries

Brian’s brother is on vacation for three weeks.  Last week, this week and next week.

So, Brian is here or Brian is not here.  There’s no schedule of his comings and goings, so there’s no routine.

Last week, we went up to Disneyland on Monday.  When we got home, Brian checked his email, which isn’t something he does on a regular basis.  Lo and behold, there was a response to something I’d entered him in last month.  Chances to go see the new “Finding Nemo” ride, the big refurb of the submarines.  We could embark on Wednesday, between one and two in the afternoon.  Well, since we’d just been, we couldn’t really see any reason to go back up so soon.  After all, we’re going up again on Sunday (taking his mom to see her best friend and sister in law, who lives nearby). 

We never win anything and I was happy that one of us got chosen.  Tuesday, Brian gets home from working (although his brother is on vacation, Brian is not necessarily going to stop work, have to keep the customer happy) and said “I really want to go to that thing tomorrow”. 

So, we did.  The ride was awesome.  I was never a big fan of the subs, but this ride is really sweet.  When you “dive” and go into the dark, the magic begins.  Animation in real backgrounds.  I did bring the video camera along and took a movie of the ride.  The video is huge, though.  I originally compressed it to the point I do most of my videos and it was about 95mb, which is no small amount of space, but the pixelization and compression artifacts made the video, in my opinion, almost unviewable.  So, I redid it with very little compression and it’s now a whopping 245Mb of space, but it looks good!  If you’re interested, check out this link.

I had the dentist appointment Tuesday, took Rory back to the vet Wednesday (more on that later) and yesterday, we finally went to see “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End”.

I don’t know what we have in store after Monday. 

08:12 AM - 06/15/2007

The topic: Rory

Back in May, I mentioned a problem with Rory’s breathing.  I took her in on May 30th and told the vet about what I’d seen and he checked her out.  He wanted to take X-rays.  I said okay.

When he came back in with her, he said how squirmy she’d been.  He hoped the film turned out readable.  It did.

Rory has asthma.  We don’t know at this time if it’s chronic or acute.  He put her on a course of prednisone to reduce the inflammation of her bronchii and Brethine, which is a broncodilator.  She was on both for two weeks.  She had her followup X-rays taken Wednesday and I’m happy to say, she’s much better.

Now, the thing is, we don’t know at this time if she’ll have another flare up.  He said some cats who have asthma have flare ups in the spring and in the fall, when the air gets so dry and we start having the Santa Ana winds.  If she does have problems, I’m to give her the Brethine and if that doesn’t help, do the prednisone again.  And if it worsens done the road, she’ll be on an inhaler, but I’m not thinking about that right now.

One day at a time.

08:38 AM - 06/15/2007

The topic: Cats: 1 - Gophers: 0

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After months of the cats sitting and waiting, they finally get one.  There are more, the holes haven’t stopped.  But the cats, now that they’ve tasted blood (metaphorically, they only killed the rodent, they didn’t eat it), they wait for more.

08:40 AM - 06/15/2007

The topic: Lonee


She’s still with us.  I was able to get some flagyl into her earlier this week.  I put it in gel caps and it went right down.  And I also was able to get her into the bathroom and get a good amount of Hill’s A/D into her.  It was slow, it brought back memories of Lola, when she went anorexic after her cancer treatment.

Last week, I saw her eat a lizard that had been recently killed by the other cats.  So, I figured maybe she’d like a little fresh meat.  I found a tiny roast like piece of beef in the freezer and I thawed it out and have been giving her pieces of that.  I can cut a larger piece and give that to the Little Shit and it takes him some time to chew it down, which gives her a chance to actually eat something without him snatching it away from her.

I know this is just delaying the inevitable, but I can’t not do something.  And if she likes raw beef, then raw beef she shall get.

      Tuesday, June 19, 2007

08:55 AM - 06/19/2007

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #48!

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Today’s tummy belongs to the lovely Daniece.  Snapping my fingers in the air distracted her long enough from her morning bath for me to snap this photo.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

07:48 PM - 06/19/2007

The topic: Lonee getting better?

Maybe?  Just maybe she’s turned a corner?

When we got home yesterday, she wanted food.  I brought out the Kirkland dry and she ate a bunch.  This morning, she cried for some beef when she heard me opening the door.  Came out from her hiding spot and on top of a condo close to the kitchen.  A place where she’s been many times, waiting for a treat.

And not all that long ago, I saw her eating out of the feeder, eating Felidae dry.  She’s also looking a little better.

I’m glad I made her eat the A/D last week when I could catch her.  I’m glad I realized that maybe she’d like raw beef.  I think that helped perk up her appetite.  I think this saved her from going anorexic. 

I know she’s not perfect yet, but I’ll keep defrosting those steaks and cutting them up as long as those are what’s keeping her eating.

I think this has been a good week for her.

      Tuesday, June 26, 2007

07:52 AM - 06/26/2007

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #49!

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Today’s tummy model is little Miss Rory Gilmore, while she naps in the bedroom window.  I love how cats sleep with their paws over their eyes.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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