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      Wednesday, August 09, 2017

09:18 AM - 08/09/2017

The topic: Uncle!


Do you ever start watching a television series from the beginning? And watch faithfully each week? Watch the show grow and expand?

And then one day, you realize you don't really like it anymore? That it's a chore to watch? It's work?

Yeah, me, too. And this time, it's Ray Donovan.

I liked it the first couple of years. It's one of those shows that I record. Well, I recorded this year's season opener on Sunday and watched it yesterday.

When it was over I thought "what the hell was that?" It's gotten to the point I don't like any of the characters. None. Some of them I just can't stand. Thinking over and over again "why haven't they killed you off yet?"  And the constant angst of every single person in the show.

I'm done. I erased the show and took it off of the scheduled recording list. I felt a little guilty, after all, I've put in a lot of time watching each episode. But I'll get over it.

I watch television to be entertained, not annoyed.

hated it   

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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