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      Monday, January 25, 2010

01:35 PM - 01/25/2010

The topic: So, we had dental appointments this morning.


Brian’s was at 8:00, mine was at 8:50. Teeth cleaning. The dentist office is less than a half mile from here, so it’s not a major driving issue.

Brian asked me before he left if I was going to make his lunch. I said “nope, I didn’t know you’d need it; you should have given me more notice. I still have to take a shower and get ready to leave.”

Which I did. Made sure the cats were situated, everything where it belonged, took four skips in FW, gave me an hour and fifteen minutes until I needed to fish again. I grabbed my jacket, slipped my cell in my pocket, checked for Blistex in the pocket, grabbed my wallet, the keys to the Escape and was out the door.

Walk out to the driveway. No Escape. The Ranger’s still there. He took my car to the dentist. Damn it! Why? I stomp back into the house, extremely annoyed. Put the Escape keys back on the hook, grab the Ranger keys. Stomp back out to the Ranger, slamming the gate behind me (I can be such a drama queen). I open the door to the Ranger, the floor mat is off the floor and over the driver’s seat? WTF? I fling it to the passenger’s side and climb in. I start it up, turn on the wipers to clean the dew off the windshield and I’m off. Muttering the whole time.

I get to the main drag and I see Brian in my Escape. He smiles and waves at me. I growl at him and give him the finger. He makes the turn and does a U turn. He follows me to the dentist’s office. I park first, then he parks. I’m yelling as I get out of the truck. “Why’d you take my car? Why?” Brilliant response from him. “I dunno…” Grr….

He asks for his keys. I hand him my keys to the truck. He follows me into the building. His teeth are cleaned, but they found a cavity when he got X-rays. I was still fuming when I went in. I started complaining to the hygienist and I heard him laughing in the other room. I yelled at him again.

My teeth cleaning went smoothly, but when the doc came in afterwards to do a quick exam, he found one of the old fillings was cracked and advised getting it replaced because saliva could get down into the tooth and cause decay. Lucky for me, the next appointment had cancelled because he was “snowed in” and couldn’t make it. So, I got my cavity taken care of today.

For both of us, it was just under eight hundred dollars. Brian’s was more because of the X-rays. But we’re good for another six months.

I drove the Escape home


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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