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      Friday, February 07, 2014

10:04 AM - 02/07/2014
I'm listening to Pancho purr

The topic: Just damn


Okay, so the change of our phone plan goes through. Five bucks less a month and we've got 300MB of data! Yay!

Of course, I get to thinking. We've got a data plan now, right? Right. I should be able to get a smart phone, right? I spend hours looking at phones, comparing phones, even drew out the size of the ones I was leaning towards to see which would fit in my pocket. I picked one out, checked cases at Amazon, found nothing that I wanted, then headed over to eBay. Great, they've got lots to choose from that will do what I want (I wanted one that would slide onto my belt, not just hook onto it).

All set. I tried to order on AT&T. Kept getting the message that I need to call them, I can't place the order. Fine.

I head over to Amazon and try to place the order. It works, except I see an additional charge of $20 as a line fee. WTF? I do some research. For the basic phone, we pay $20 a month. For a smart phone, we'd pay $40 a month.

If you've got a data plan for 10GB  (which is $100 a month for the data, then add in the phone charges) or more, you don't get hit with that extra $20 per line for a smart phone

Well, damn. Just damn. The whole purpose of changing the plan was to save money. So....

I looked at basic phones! One of the reasons I want a new phone is I want something that takes better photos that I can send to Facebook. My current phone takes pictures that are 1.3 megapixels. The phone I'm getting takes 3 megapixels. Yeah, big whoop (the one I originally wanted took 16 megapixels, but Brian talked me out of that one, so I was gonna get one that had 5 megapixels). But it's better than the one I've got. And the screen is bigger, it's three inches. It was a penny plus sales tax over on Amazon, no shipping. For a brand new phone, not a reconditioned one.

One of the reviewers said it was a great phone for your parents or grandparents. Aw, crap, being old is a selling point? yippee

It should be here today.

And it will fit in my pocket. Which is great because I don't carry a purse. At all. Ever. 

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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