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      Saturday, May 30, 2009

06:18 AM - 05/30/2009

The topic: I’m still around, it’s just that


I started playing a game over at FaceBook.  Looking back, I should have never joined. But I did.

The first game I played was FarmTown. I found this extremely boring. You sow your land, you plant your seeds, then you wait.  Then you harvest, get coins, sow your land, plant more seeds, then wait.

Then I started playing Pet Society, which was pretty fun.  I found a cheat for making coins and now it’s not as imperative to get over there every day to make coins to get cool stuff for Meowser’s house.

At the same time as Pet Society, I joined Fish Wrangler.  Which is purported to be a “passive” game.  You cast your pole every fifteen minutes and catch a fish (hopefully) and the more points you get, the more gold you get, the more you get to do.

Once I figured out how it worked, I have to admit, I’m addicted to this game.  I live my life in fifteen minute increments now.  I’ve got a timer that goes off every fifteen minutes that I can hear from any room in the house.  And I run back to the office and fish.

I haven’t made any entries here because it might take longer than fifteen minutes.  *lol*

But since I’ve reached the first big level and can have unlimited scuba dives, I can relax a little and get back into other things.  Like kitty pix.

Oh, and I’ve also been keeping up with the housework a lot better.  Go through the house in the morning with a wet utility towel, wrung out, and a spray bottle filled with Nature’s Miracle for cat problems.  I vacuum with my little Electrolux vacuum, picking up cat hair and litter on a daily basis.

I try to have a good dinner ready by six every night, then I do the dishes.  All in fifteen minute increments.  *laughing*

We started walking again a couple of weeks ago and I’ve still be riding my exercise bike daily. 

Real life is taking time from my internet pleasure, but that’s okay.  Anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to.

If you’re on FaceBook, check out Fish Wrangler, it’s really fun.

And you thought you had no passions.  grin

Posted by Naf @ Sunday, May 31, 2009 - 11:43:18 AM

lisaviolet's avatar

Don’t confuse addiction with passion. *laughing*  B’s at the property right now and all I want to do is level my pole.  I want to cast every fifteen minutes until we go nightfishing.

It’s bad. Real bad.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Sunday, May 31, 2009 - 12:01:31 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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