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Friday, May 01, 2009
08:22 AM - 05/01/2009
The topic: I like this
----------------------------------------------Monday, May 04, 2009
02:56 PM - 05/04/2009
We found nothing, nada, zilch, zero on our walk this morning
I'm listening to Willy and the Poor Boys
The topic: I’m a little toasted
----------------------------------------------I did paperwork for the first time since the end of February, beginning of March this afternoon. For some reason, a beer or two always helps me focus better. I know that sounds strange, but I think I might have a little of whatever my mom had. I’m not good at focusing on things I find extremely boring.
Anyway, it’s done. And I’m feeling fine.
03:01 PM - 05/04/2009
The topic: We started walking again this morning
----------------------------------------------Finally. We started up again a couple of months ago, but I got hit with that stupid colon/bowel problem, that pain in my side.
But this morning we went walking. It was good. Got home, had cereal for breakfast, Brian left to go diddle around, get ready for some paying job, then did whatever (he’s not working much since 2007). Then I rode the exercise bike for about sixty minutes. Today’s Sopranos episode was the one with the funeral for Jackie Aprile and at the end Junior started singing and I just kept wanting it to end. I had the urge to fast forward to the end. He just kept going on and on and on and on and on…...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
08:48 AM - 05/05/2009
The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #135!
----------------------------------------------Missed last week's edition, resting from the Disney trip. But I got it today and today, we have Georgie sleeping on the back of the loveseat.
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If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
07:28 AM - 05/06/2009
The topic: I ordered a whole house fan
----------------------------------------------last night. We got one of the best, an Airscape. Brian was reluctant because it cost so much. And it bothers him that I won’t turn on the air conditioner, the one that was installed just a couple of years ago. I would if we had more money coming in, but his work is sporadic now. And having all that “emergency” money disappear from the bank account scared the crap out of me. We need to keep costs down until we’ve got some sort of money coming in on a regular basis.
It was one of those discussions about “we paid $7000.00 for that system, it’s supposed to be energy efficient, we should be using it” and the other side is saying “okay, if we run it, does the electric bill go up or does it stay the same?” Point made, but it’s still getting beaten to death.
Anyway, my problem with the heat is not during the day. If I shut the house up early enough (blinds down, windows closed and just use fans for air circulation), it stays a good ten to fifteen degrees cooler in the house than it is outside. And if it just gets too hot, I can jump in the pool, right? That always cools me down. My problem is in the evening when it’s cooler outside than in. The sun hits the sides of the house that we spend most of our time in.
I’ve been fighting for a whole house fan since I heard about them. Here in Southern California, once the sun goes down, the air cools quickly. Outside, that is, not in the house. I don’t usually nag about things, but this is something I feel will make our lives much more comfortable. It’s something we’ll be able to make use of six months out of the year (May through October).
When he balked at the price, I told him I would put mom’s tax refund towards it, $500.00, which would leave us paying under $400.00. And we should get a $50.00 rebate from our utility company. Which means it costs us under seventy bucks a month for six months and it’s paid for. When I ran the air conditioner after we’d first gotten it, our rate went up over $150.00 for those months I ran it. Of course, he tries to say there were other reasons it went up. Like what? It was the only thing different from the other months, what other “reason” could it be? He quit arguing the point because he had no basis for his argument beyond what he thought or assumed.
Now, when we get those nasty humid days, the air conditioner is the only way to go. But when the humidity is consistently under 50%, it’s a no brainer.
The whole house fan is the way to go.
When we were laying in bed last night, I said “that breeze feels good. Will it be like that with the fan?” He said it would. And it would stay that way as long as the fan (which is supposed to be very quiet, compare to a refrigerator running) was on. I’m ready.
It should be here next week.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
06:31 AM - 05/10/2009
The topic: Could you send heavy duty good energy,
----------------------------------------------prayers, white light, whatever it is you believe in KittyMeezer’s way?
Something got him last night. Brian heard it, then he heard a thump against the side of the house. He woke me up yelling “it’s outside, it’s outside!” He ran out in his underwear, I got some clothes on.
Something had Kitty at the side of the house. Brian was chasing the varmint away, he said it was a dog. I thought coyote, but he would have known the difference. Somebody has been letting their big dog run at night, the dog is big if the piles of crap left on the curbs are any indication. And it’s not coyote scat, it’s dog crap.
Anyway, Kitty ran to the entry way, Brian said his leg was hurt. He told me to get a blanket because we needed to take him in. I got the carrier and a blanket, brought them out and when I moved the blanket close to Kitty, he actually flew at me with claws extended. Brian ended up going back inside, I stayed out with Meeze for a while. I laid down and put my head on the blanket. KittyMeeze just sat there against the house and a plant, growling.
I ended up going back inside and when I went out a half hour later, it scared him and he ran under the car. The car isn’t really a bad place to be, it’s low and it’s hard for anything big to crawl under it. I had checked where Brian said he chased the dog away and found cat hair on the ground. From the looks of it, it was dark and longish, I came to the conclusion that whatever had a hold of Meeze, had him by the tail. Because the only other hair this dark on him is his head and his legs, and this hair was too short to have come from any of those places.
I had the flashlight with me and Meeze had finally calmed down enough to let me look at him (not close, mind you, he just didn’t bolt when I turned on the light). There were chunks of fur missing from his tail. I hope that there wasn’t any lasting damage done to him when he ended up against the house.
I checked on him throughout the night until three, then I fell asleep, didn’t wake up until a little before six. I went out to check on him and he’s gone. I hope he went to a safe place. The food Brian put out last night was all eaten, so I’m hoping he left with Gilligan earlier. Gilligan was missing for a few weeks, but Brian has seen him a few times.
Keep him in your good thoughts, please?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
09:11 AM - 05/12/2009
We found not a damned thing on our walk this morning
The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #136!
----------------------------------------------And today, we have a double.
click for a larger picYep, found on the bed yesterday afternoon, we have the bellies of the boys, Skip and Spot. Somehow, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to see these two previously outdoor cats, inside on a warm afternoon, sprawled across the bed. Oh, that's Ron Howard on the pillow.
Here are a couple of close ups.
click for a larger pic
click for a larger pic================================================
If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!
09:16 AM - 05/12/2009
The topic: The outfronts
----------------------------------------------I put out food yesterday morning and no one ate it. Brian didn’t put out anything last night.
This morning, the food that was out from yesterday morning was eaten. But I hadn’t seen any cats since Sunday morning, when I saw Gilligan crossing the street. No sign of KittyMeeze anywhere.
This morning, after our morning walk and after our breakfast, I opened the front door and looked out. Because when cats go missing, that’s what I do. I keep hoping I’ll see one or two or three (because there are only three).
I saw Notwally. I finished what I was doing (cleaning cat pee off of my bathroom floor and counter), then went into the garage to open a can of food and put it out for when he came back. While I was in the garage, Brian called out to me to tell me he was watching KittyMeeze. Kitty was up on the bank, Brian saw him jump up there (legs work). He was walking slowly and he appears to have some damage to his tail. About four inches from the tip, it looks like it might be broken. Hopefully it will be okay (cats are amazingly resilient, as anyone who takes care of feral colonies knows), and there is blood flow throughout. And maybe it’s not broken, but just very, very sore.
I went out to look for him, but had no luck. The sprinklers came on last night, so the bank is wet. He probably went under the juniper bushes up there.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
11:06 AM - 05/13/2009
The topic: I saw KittyMeeze
----------------------------------------------and he looked better than I expected. He looks bad, though. Moving very, very slowly and that tail, that tail is just limp about four inches in.
I know he’s eating, I put out a can this morning and I checked after I’d seen him and what was left from last night and this morning’s new can were almost all gone.
I know where he’s keeping himself now and I think he’s pretty safe there. I was heartened to see him scratching at one of the wooden steps by the bank. Doing that stretch thing.
04:25 PM - 05/13/2009
The topic: Taking care of myself
----------------------------------------------A couple of weeks ago I thought I was spotting. Alarmed, I called the doctor and waited for a callback. Well, it was a false alarm, I called back and told them this and made an appointment for my yearly checkup.
When I did, I was informed I hadn’t been in since November 2005. Oops. Funny how time just slips away, you know? I ran it through my head trying to remember what my excuse was each year.
Anyway, I went in Monday, the appointment was at ten. I waited for over an hour in the waiting room. There was nothing worth reading on any of the tables, so I just leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. And I started hearing the hypnotherapist’s voice in my head and the music that is played during the sessions. I guess what I did was a little bit of self-hypnosis. And this time, I didn’t avoid the scale like I did every other time I was there (I told them “I don’t do scales”).
The doc came in, I got my examination and the referral for my mammogram. I also got a prescription for a cream.
Yesterday I went to hypnosis, then over to CostCo where I put the prescription in. I was told it would be about forty minutes to fill, did I want to wait? If so, did I want a pager? Sure, sounded good. I went into the store and looked around for the magazine rack, couldn’t find it. I bought a paperback and went outside to buy lunch. I got a turkey wrap and a soda. When I was going over to get some mustard for the sandwich, the pager went off. This wasn’t forty minutes by any stretch of the imagination. With empty soda cup and sandwich in one hand, purse hanging from the same and the book in the other, I went back in to get the prescription. Got that, went back outside and ate my lunch.
When I got home, I called the imaging place and got my mammogram set up for this morning at 8:00. I was there at 7:45 and home by 8:30.
All done until next year. Nice.
Friday, May 15, 2009
04:16 PM - 05/15/2009
The topic: Skippy, the mighty hunter
----------------------------------------------Earlier this week, he had a gopher. I was able to drop a cloth on the gopher (it was just adorable, even the teeth) and take it out front and let it go.
Then he had this humongous grasshopper. I let him keep that.
But then….
But wait! I'm not done yet!
I've got more to say!Saturday, May 16, 2009
11:37 AM - 05/16/2009
The topic: I take pictures
----------------------------------------------I take lots of pictures. For some reason, I haven’t been uploading many. So, I uploaded some this morning.
Here we go.
Skippy and Spotty
click for a larger picDaniece and Richie
click for a larger picSkippy
click for a larger picSkippy
click for a larger picSkippy and Ron Howard
click for a larger picSkippy and Ron Howard
click for a larger picMarco and Ron Howard
click for a larger picMarco and Ron Howard
click for a larger picRichie
click for a larger picHummingbird
click for a larger picSpot
click for a larger picCharlie
click for a larger picSpot
click for a larger picSpot
click for a larger picSpot and Richie
click for a larger picTuesday, May 19, 2009
03:08 PM - 05/19/2009
The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #137!
----------------------------------------------Today, Benny's belly is back in the spotlight....
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If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
06:18 AM - 05/30/2009
The topic: I’m still around, it’s just that
----------------------------------------------I started playing a game over at FaceBook. Looking back, I should have never joined. But I did.
The first game I played was FarmTown. I found this extremely boring. You sow your land, you plant your seeds, then you wait. Then you harvest, get coins, sow your land, plant more seeds, then wait.
Then I started playing Pet Society, which was pretty fun. I found a cheat for making coins and now it’s not as imperative to get over there every day to make coins to get cool stuff for Meowser’s house.
At the same time as Pet Society, I joined Fish Wrangler. Which is purported to be a “passive” game. You cast your pole every fifteen minutes and catch a fish (hopefully) and the more points you get, the more gold you get, the more you get to do.
Once I figured out how it worked, I have to admit, I’m addicted to this game. I live my life in fifteen minute increments now. I’ve got a timer that goes off every fifteen minutes that I can hear from any room in the house. And I run back to the office and fish.
I haven’t made any entries here because it might take longer than fifteen minutes. *lol*
But since I’ve reached the first big level and can have unlimited scuba dives, I can relax a little and get back into other things. Like kitty pix.
Oh, and I’ve also been keeping up with the housework a lot better. Go through the house in the morning with a wet utility towel, wrung out, and a spray bottle filled with Nature’s Miracle for cat problems. I vacuum with my little Electrolux vacuum, picking up cat hair and litter on a daily basis.
I try to have a good dinner ready by six every night, then I do the dishes. All in fifteen minute increments. *laughing*
We started walking again a couple of weeks ago and I’ve still be riding my exercise bike daily.
Real life is taking time from my internet pleasure, but that’s okay. Anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to.
If you’re on FaceBook, check out Fish Wrangler, it’s really fun.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
12:57 PM - 05/31/2009
The topic: I don’t think I’ve mentioned the
----------------------------------------------raccoon that’s been coming by at night for dinner.
I wish it wouldn’t. It was bad enough when it finished all the food we’d put out, but then, it started taking a bath in the fountain at front. And to add insult to injury….
But wait! I'm not done yet!
I've got more to say!
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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.
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©lisaviolet 1996-2024
Photographic images are the property of the photographer,and may not be copied, printed, or otherwise reproduced on any other site or used in any other publishing medium without the written permission of each individual photographer and kennel/cattery owner. Cathouse privacy policy.