Today, we have a special tummy twofer!
First off, we have the lovely and talented Sammy Bo Bammy Bammers Malone, who has overcome whatever had him nervous and shy for over a year. He’s now back in the fold and as affectionate as ever.
click for a larger picAnd then, we have the usual suspect, Richie Cunningham. I think this kitty is as proud of his tummy as a kitty can be and that’s why he’s always showing it off. If he was human, he’d most likely have rock hard abs and a nice deep tan and walk around with jeans hanging low (but not butt crack low) and no shirt. Yep, I think Richie would be the Chippendale in the family.
click for a larger picAnd as a bonus feature, here’s a little video of Richie on his back in the chair, kneading the chair. I thought this was pretty cute, he just loves to show off that belly. It makes him very happy.
================================================If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!