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      Thursday, May 29, 2008

05:47 PM - 05/29/2008

The topic: Free to good home


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Yep, Charlie is driving me nuts.  Officially, certifiably, nuts.

Somewhere along the line, he started to search out new high places to hang out.  Like the valance thingy over the plastic vertical blinds.  Except, there’s not what would be considered a “valance”, just some plastic strip held to the rod that the blinds hang from.  He knocked the plastic strip off and had to do a cat version of the moonwalk to get off.  Walked backwards, if you know what I mean. 

He’s also jumped to the top of the book case in the family room, knocking my bouncing Tigger toy to the floor along with a bookshelf speaker. Obviously, the speaker wire came loose when the speaker fell off.  The speaker narrowly missed hitting Georgie, probably because Georgie moved pretty fast.


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Last night, he got into the extra room and I was able to get him over to me, then I picked him up to take him out.  He wasn’t happy with this turn of events, usually he likes the attention and starts to purr.  Not last night.  He tried to bite me.  Fortunately, he got the back of my hand, where there isn’t much to grab onto.  I did bleed, I let him down, then he hid and I had to use the water to squirt him out of his hiding place. Except the water doesn’t affect him very much. 


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He’s also discovered that there are high places in the living room.  We’ve got a couple of large Advent speakers out there, they haven’t worked since Brian remodeled the family room.  The wires were cut, but the speakers remained on the shelves.  Well, Charlie Tunafish realized a new place to jump. The problem with this is that the speaker isn’t very stable there.  Oh, it’s fine without any outside influence, but a cat jumping on the top, may topple the speaker.


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Well, this morning, we heard a pretty loud crash, which had us both out of bed in a flash.   In the picture above, you can see the speaker in the corner, I threw that ball lamp out a couple of weeks ago, so the top of the speaker was open.  


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The speaker was no longer on the shelf, but on the floor by the futon. The futon Bart sleeps on.  The futon that Autumn spends lots of time on.  No Bart in sight.  No Autumn.  No Charlie.  And from the top of that speaker, he tried jumping over to the top of that big mirror/picture frame.  I search the house, find Bart and Autumn, they seem to be fine, and surprise, no Charlie Tunapiano.   I went out back to find him, no Charlie.  He’s not in the garage.  I finally found him under the bed.  Scared.  Frightened. 



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Well, he’s such a naughty boy, I guess it wouldn’t be fair to try to unload him onto someone else.  After all, we’re used to his idiosyncracies by this time.  And, he can be so sweet, when he wants to.  I think he’s just got lots of excess energy from his previous two homes.  I can always keep my fingers crossed that all he needs is more time to settle down. After all, he’s still pretty young.

Yeah, I think we’ll keep him.


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I guess, in the grand scheme of things, he’s not really all that bad. And, honestly,  he is awfully photogenic and I’ve got this cool new camera….


Visit this week’s edition of the Friday Ark, where you can find more fun filled adventures of all sorts of critters.


Hey, I’ll trade you!

One very calm, but pees outside the box Foffy for your hyper little clummox Charlie?  Deal?  LOL!

And Foffy is very photogenic too.  And he likes to wear small hats and capes.  Super Foffy!

Posted by Naf @ Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 7:59:14 PM

I’m rather familiar with this kind of mischief…my Gizmo does the same kind of thing. Any surface wide enough to hold dust must be fit for a cat, the higher the better! Only difference-he’s easily 15 pounds heavier thatn your prankster. That’ll re-arrange a room for ya’!

Posted by lisa @ Friday, May 30, 2008 - 12:10:06 PM

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Lisa, I’m just happy he didn’t rearrange Bart’s skeletal system.  That would have been horrible.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Friday, May 30, 2008 - 2:49:17 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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