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      Thursday, March 16, 2006

03:33 PM - 03/16/2006
I'm sad

The topic: And then there were thirty three


She’s gone.   She was gone by 3:15.  There was no question about her health at the vet’s office.  No exam at all. 

You see, Annie was down to two pounds.   The vet was amazed at this.  That she was still standing and alert.  That she was still….alive. 

I told him that I’d felt that there was something beyond the kidney and thyroid problem that was affecting her.  I think there was some sort of brain damage or disfunction.  He said that was entirely possible.  His mother’s cat died of a brain tumor at the age of nineteen.  He said the cat started doing all sorts of weird stuff.  Like Annie. The walking around in the yard?  She hasn’t wanted outside in years.  The constant crying?  That wasn’t right. 

He also stated that it can be hard to treat what she had successfully.  He said when you treat one of the diseases, it can make the other one worse (remember, she was hyperthyroid and in renal failure).

As usual, he sedated her first, he let her get relaxed.  It took a while because she was fighting it, but when she finally laid down, she was on her side and stretched out.  Like relaxed cats do.  I haven’t seen her do that in months.  It was nice to see her sleeping, even though I knew it was induced.  Then he shaved a spot on one of her front legs and gave her the final injection.  She was gone within seconds.  Finally at peace.

He said I’d made the right decision.  No question, no doubt, I did the right thing by her. 

That hasn’t sunk in yet, there’s that “did I do it too soon?” reverberating in my head, but that won’t last forever.   I do know that she’s better off now than she was this morning. 

I’m thankful I took the video of her in the yard this morning and the pictures of her in the office. 

I’ll miss my little Annie Nanner.  I already do.

Here are some of the pictures I took of her during the day:

Annie wants to drink, but can't keep her balance

Resting her head on the water bowl

She tries to sleep, but won't let her head drop

Sadly, Annie is the first cat that Handsome will cuddle with. He just started this last week.
This is the last picture I took of Annie.


For more Friday pet blogging, check out The Modulator's Friday Ark

I am really sorry Annie had to go, and I hope you and Brian will heal soon.  It was so sad when DeeJay left.  It is so hard to lose someone you have been close to for so long, I wish they didn’t have such short lives.

Posted by May Ellen @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 4:32:06 PM

I’m so very sorry.

Posted by Bobbie @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 5:02:30 PM

You have my thoughts and prayers, and even a part of my heart. Such a strong and loving furkid. Your a good Mom and she knew it.

Take care,


Posted by MikeK @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 5:14:51 PM

I am so sorry for your loss . You are the best Mom a kitty could ever have . She will always be with you . god bless you bcat

Posted by berdette @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 5:44:17 PM

More hugs sent your way….

Posted by DonnaB @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 5:48:49 PM

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.  Just know that she always knew she was very much loved, and that you two gave her a wonderful life.  May she rest in comfort until you meet her at The Bridge.

Posted by Trudy @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 6:13:05 PM

Poor, tough old girl. 

You gave her a good life and a peaceful end.  No cat could have asked for more.  Of course you will miss her—and DeeJay—but don’t second-guess yourself.  Your heart knows when it is time to let them go.

I’ll light a candle for her tonight.

Posted by laura (alaska) @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 7:22:18 PM

*more tears* Know she’s chasing butterflies now and rolling in the ‘nip. You did the right thing, please don’t have any “what ifs” as Annie wouldn’t want you too.

Posted by Tik Tok @ Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:02:03 PM

I’m very deeply sorry for you with the death of Annie so soon after Deejay. Especially with agonizing over whether she was getting better or not… my Friskie-dog so long ago went through one of those, although it had a lot to do with a vet seeing an opportunity to make a few bucks off of heroic efforts.

I had a brief video clip of Edloe on her last day, but she looked so sad in it that I deleted that video and I just have the ones from better days.

Posted by Laurence Simon @ Friday, March 17, 2006 - 7:19:27 AM

*tears* for you and Annie…  She fought until she had no fight and you gave her a humane, peaceful and loving end to life here on earth.  She’s over the bridge and playing with her brother and all her other feline friends now.

Rest in Peace, Annie!

Posted by Lisa @ Friday, March 17, 2006 - 10:07:25 AM

Oh God LV I’m so sorry. It would never cross my mind weather you did the right thing or not. Annie loved you and held on as long as she could. Fly free gentle Annie and be happy with your brother.

Posted by Wilkal @ Friday, March 17, 2006 - 6:29:42 PM

I am so sorry for your loss Diane and Brian. Bless you both. It is always so hard to not have the the little soul around.

Posted by Kittycitty @ Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 6:49:37 AM

She was beautiful, Dianne, and you gave her a beautiful life, and a peaceful passage into the next world. I’m so sorry for your loss, but I know you did the right thing.

Posted by Ceegee @ Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 6:56:25 PM

I am so very sorry…Please try not to agonize over whether you did the right thing-you know in your very heart of hearts you did. Annie knows you were the best kitty-mom that there is. Know that she is happy, and out of pain now, playing with DeeJay and lots of other FurFriends.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Candle is lit.



Posted by Mary @ Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 3:44:40 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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