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      Tuesday, April 30, 2013

09:31 AM - 04/30/2013
We found a penny on our walk this morning
I'm listening to Pandora on the Roku
The current weather is nice, sunny and cool

The topic: When did I get so busy?


Gosh, there's a ton of stuff on my plate right now.

Right now I'm doing paperwork for Fit Rite (the new company). D & D is winding down. Fit Rite is picking up steam and we had to get more white boards to keep track of orders. We've got two now, one for regular customers, one for dealers and rush jobs. (Dealers go to the head of the line and also get a 15% discount on all orders after their first purchase; we had a few too many orders "yeah, we're a dealer", they get the discount and we never hear from them again).

Well, the boards are full so something had to be done. I had some old magnetic black strips from my foray into scheduling my time in the laundry room, which was a wake up call for me to see how time was flying between loads. Now I'm more on top of laundry than I had been. I used those strips on the white boards he's using now and they keep getting moved when he writes. So, for the new white boards I got some 1/8" adhesive tape from Amazon, blue and black. I plan on alternating the colors for the lines so it's easier for him to follow (although he does use different color markers to match the tractor make). We'll have two boards for regular customers, one for rush jobs and one for dealers. I used my Silhouette Cameo yesterday to make the vinyl lettering (I'm glad I bought all this stuff years ago when I got my original Silhouette, sure makes spur of the moment ideas a lot easier when you've got all of the ingredients) for the top (this machine is a workhorse, I swear!). Regular customer boards will have black lettering, rush jobs will be red (which actually looks more like an orange/red) and dealers will have blue lettering. Easy to differentiate. I need to do the striping on the new boards and then when the old boards empty, the new boards will be used and I'll stripe the old boards.

And I don't know if I've mentioned this, but we only have one landline now, for the FAX machine. We have four MagicJack lines. The problem with the MagicJack lines (and it's minor when you consider how much money we're saving), is you can't block calls, like telemarketers. Well, you can with additional software that runs on the computer, but the Fit Rite phone and the house phone are on the MagicJack plus, which runs directly from the router, the MJ doesn't need to be plugged in to a computer to work. I'd done some research and found the Digitone 10 system which should block the calls. The old Privacy Corp machine didn't work with the Magic Jack (I've got the MJs for the house and Fit Rite wired into the house wiring so the phones ring at all outlets).

The Digitone got here yesterday afternoon and it wouldn't work and I was sad and frustrated. First off, the router I had the MJ attached to wasn't playing nice and I had to reset it (it's a range extender). Then the power adapter for the Magic Jack went out (a cheap fix, just need to stock up on the power adapters, it uses the same ones as an iPhone and those are pretty inexpensive in bulk). Then I got the Digitone plugged in and the phones wouldn't ring, but they did without the Digitone.  I emailed their support using the original mail I'd sent them back in January explaining the situation. I was told what code to use and it finally worked. And now I'll be able to start blocking the pesky telemarketers. Yay!

And for the past couple of weeks I've been working on the Disney meet video from October 2011. A little behind, but I had the gallbladder surgery the week after the trip and man, I've had the hardest time recovering from that. For months I had really awful reflux, so bad I could taste the coppery taste of blood in my throat. I took omeprazole on a daily basis, for months. When I told my physician he about had a cow and told me it's not meant for long term use, to quit using it. I did and the acid was horrible, but I eventually adjusted and now it's lots better. I was working on that video last August and my computer crashed. I was so darned irritated that I just quit working on it until I was in a better frame of mind and had more time to devote to working on it. Which I started after the taxes were finished earlier this month. Since I hadn't worked on it since the old computer, I had to reinstall the software and plugins for transformations and special effects (I'm nothing if not a little anal compulsive about some things). Things were going smoothly until the Storybook Land Canal boats. I'd spent hours putting the photos on a background and in doing so, I lost their EXIF information (the date the original photos were taken). I was comparing the originals with the copies and it incredibly time consuming, I figured I'd set up the second monitor with the USB to VGA adapter I got a few years back. Wouldn't work with the new computer, kept crashing it (gotta love that blue screen) and it wouldn't boot up. Works nicely with the old computer. Well, the new computer has a DVI connector in the back, so I ordered an adapter for the DVI connector to the VGA for less than three bucks on Amazon. It got here, wrong one, gee, you mean there's more than one?  Yep. So, I ordered the right one. It plugged in, but I still didn't get the monitor to work. Seems that this monitor isn't DVI. These connectors need a digital machine, like a television, but all of my extra monitors are VGA, not digital. I need something like that old adapter, but one that works with Win 7. It (from StarTech) got here yesterday and I'm in heaven. It's doing a great job and doing this paperwork is way easier with two monitors, instead of bouncing back and forth on one monitor between Quickbooks and Paypal and the bank website. Money well spent.

And then there's the Mother's Day card (just do a search for "mother's day") and stuff I plan on making my mother-in-law. I've got a couple of weeks to work on that.

To add to that, Georgie hasn't been feeling well, he's lost a lot of weight. I started him on Baytril last week, which I think was a good idea. He's also getting fluids on a regular basis now.

Brian just left to do a D & D job, so I'll have a couple of hours without interruption (funny how I never appreciated that before he started working out of the house). I should be able to get a lot done.

And that's what my life has been for the last month or so. Pretty busy.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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