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      Wednesday, February 01, 2006

11:29 AM - 02/01/2006

The topic: Springtime


Yeah, I know it’s not spring in most places, but the birds here don’t know that.

And the birds are teasing the cats.  Not on purpose, I don’t think birds do that, but yesterday I noticed some bird activity in the back yard.  I didn’t think much of it, as I would watch the birds fly off before the cats got too close.

At least that’s what I assumed.  When I got the kitties in last night, there was a dead robin down by the pool.  Since I was in the process of getting kitties in, I figured it could wait until later.  Well, later, in the middle of getting dinner ready, I realized that not all little black kitty cats were in.  I grabbed the flashlight and went in search.  Phoebe was the missing kitty cat and after some doing, I was able to chase her into the office.  And in doing so, two kitty cats ran outside.  Mystie and Lisa, which wouldn’t be much of a problem to get in later on.

But when I was trying to get Phoebe in, I noticed the bird was no longer where it had been when I first spied it.  Hmm….  Maybe this was the reason the kitty cats were not wanting to come in.

Later, after dinner and after I’d done the dishes, Brian and I came back to the office.  I played a game (kept losing lives) and he surfed.  I figured maybe one or both of the girls might be ready to come inside and looked out the door.  Mystie was waiting, so I let her in.  No sign of Lisa, although I called for her.  She wasn’t ready to come inside, yet.

Mystie said something to me and she sounded odd.  I looked down.  I yelled to Brian “she’s got the bird!”   He went after her and she ran down the hall under the bed.  I told him to watch out, there was cat puke in the hallway.  When he saw her go under the bed, he told me to take care of the bird (gee, thanks) and he’d clean up the puke.  He grabbed some paper towels and I went into the bedroom.  Mystie had dropped the bird before she went under the bed, so I was able to pick it up by its legs.  Brian was cleaning the hallway and he gave me a paper towel.  I put the bird into it and gave it back to him.  He took it all outside and put it in the dumpster. 

I hate when the cats get birds.  They don’t get many, maybe one every two or three years.  So, I can be grateful for that, I guess.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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