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      Friday, January 03, 2003

07:16 AM - 01/03/2003

The topic: Feliway plug ins..


The Feliway plug ins I ordered last weekend showed up yesterday. (Thank God for plastic with no interest until April; otherwise we wouldn't have been able to afford them.) I put one in the kitchen, one in my bathroom and one in the office. And this morning, there was no pee on the kitchen counter or in my bathroom. And there was a lot less hissing and spitting last night, Georgie didn't even ask to go outside. I hope this is an indication that the Feliway is working. Boy, wouldn't that be nice? And eventually we could scale down to just one plug in?

The self warming beds got here, too. I threw the heating pad out (it didn't look good) and DeeJay immediately curled up on the new pad and went to sleep. I put the other two outside, but I haven't seen any of the ferals on them yet. Speaking of the ferals, all of the food I put out last night was gone this morning. I did see Angus out there eating, late, right before I went to bed. I only saw KittyMeeze this morning. I just went outside and looked around. OC is out there, too. Kewl.

I set up a forum for Joe Pechota last night. Joe is the man who lost so many of his furbabies to fire four days before Christmas. If you'd like to leave a message or ask him a question, or just read what he has to say, the forum is at Benny's. The name of the forum is simply "Joe's". If you want to leave a message, you'll have to register. I contacted many places yesterday and I only heard back from one, Melissa Sharpe from KIFM, smooth jazz. I'll try again today.

The floor is finished in the bedroom. Brian was on his hands and knees last night loosening up the extra grout. I went over it a couple of times with the big Bissell. I'll go over it a couple of more times today. I also have to wash down the walls where grout got onto them. There's surprisingly little. Brian does really clean work. I have to say the floor looks so good. And you walk into the bedroom, no pee smell. I called yesterday on the furniture and it will be delivered Saturday afternoon. We may have to have a blanket on the window for privacy (the window still has to be finished) and I'm sure our clothes will still be in piles in the exercise room. Brian stained the wood for the baseboard last night and this morning I'm going to clear it. I think I may be clearing it again this afternoon, I'll have to check with Brian. We want to get as much done as we can before the furniture arrives.

Last year, I made a list of things I had to do. The only two that were left, and that were on there for months were to clean out my closet and drawers (done!) and to repair the wallpaper that had been torn when the kittens were really kittens. Daniece used to love to jump up at the walls. It took me about three or four hours. Many of the places were just ripped and I was able to glue the paper back down and the tear isn't noticable. But others, I had to actually patch. I have to find my felt pens so I can do a little cheat/blend of the patch to the new. There's only one that's really obvious, and that's only if you're looking for it. And I had to replace the entire panel at the corner by the office. The hard part was getting the old stuff off. But it sure looks nice now. And I finally cleared off my list.

I got a little unpleasant surprise yesterday. Someone who had signed up for the update mailing back in 2000, reported me for spam. Geez. Right on the mailing it says how to be removed from the list. I doubt there are even a hundred names on it. The only time I even look at it is when mail bounces, then I remove the name. I've had people email me to be removed, which I've done. But I think that really stunk, turning me in for being a spammer. Luckily, my host at lisaviolet designs, Matt, owner and operator of MarkeTrend.net believes me, that I'm not a spammer. I have to admit, though, it really bothered me, being accused of sending spam.

Today is the day of David Westerfield's actual sentencing by the judge. He was convicted of kidnap and murder of a seven year old girl last year. His lawyers were in the process of a plea agreement, he would get life if he told them where her body was when the searchers found her nude body out by Singing Hills Golf Course. The DA told them "we found the body, we don't need his help". During the penalty phase of his trial, the defense brought in witnesses for him and his character. When one woman came in, he said "who's that?" It was his aunt. Yeah, there you go. This woman would know a lot about his character. I think they should have just let this guy in with the general prison population. Let him feel the fear that that little girl felt the last few hours of her life, naked and helpless.

On that note, I'll sign off for today.

Don’t you just love Judge Mudd! As he goes over the evidence piece by piece he knows and we know there is no doubt this guy was guilty! Rot in hell Westerfield!

Posted by Melanee @ Friday, January 03, 2003 - 9:05:04 AM

lisaviolet's avatar

Brenda is breaking my heart.  I feel so badly for them.


Posted by lisaviolet @ Friday, January 03, 2003 - 9:26:04 AM

Please keep us informed on how those Feliway Plugs work. My Fred cat continues to beat the newest cat.  I give Fred Calms each morning, but I think its stopped its effect on him.  He was once on kitty prozac (hi dosage) & it didnt help him much.

Posted by Darlene @ Sunday, January 05, 2003 - 10:11:04 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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