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      Wednesday, September 27, 2023

08:46 AM - 09/27/2023

The topic: What a month so far


Charlie has been doing okay, still fighting the meds. He's on to the different tastes in the food, no matter how nummy the food is.

It seems like he had another episode this weekend, sometime Sunday evening. He has his own spot and that's where he can be found the majority of the time. Around eight, I asked Brian if he'd seen Charlie. Not recently.

I searched the yard, the garage, the house and I couldn't find him anywhere.  I tried to sleep on the sofa because I knew I'd be up and down searching and didn't want to bother Brian, but sleep was out of reach. Finally, around 12:30, Charlie was back in his spot. I gave him some food and he ate.

He slept.

He ate a lot on Monday like he couldn't get full. That vibration thing was back. He was just off, all day. He ended up on the sofa. His back legs are weak so he can't get up there by himself. I put together a little stair system (a footrest and a cat condo) for him and he's using that to get up and down.

I did watch him once in the litterbox, trying to poop. Which is what I think led to his first issue. Constipation. He went a little, but later on in the day, he was able to finish.

He was a little better yesterday,  not eating so well, which concerned me. But this morning, he's back in form. He actually cried for food, so good deal. And he ate almost a full can of A/D, as well as the food that Brian had given him. He's not drinking out of his fountain but is drinking out of the fountain outside. As long as he's drinking...

I'm in the office right now, working on last year's taxes (you know, the ones that were due in April - but San Diego was one of the places that got an extension until October because of bad weather), and Brian walked in and said: "Charlie is on the sofa". 

And that's a good thing.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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