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      Thursday, April 10, 2003

11:58 AM - 04/10/2003

The topic: *sigh*


Thursday, April 10, 2003  Poor kitty.  I called on the tortie feral this morning.  The doctor came on the line (always an ominous sign).  The tortie came through the surgery fine.  She’s spayed (she was pregnant) and her ear is tipped (tipping means taking the tip of the ear off; this is a sign that this cat has been fixed for those who practice TNR (trap, neuter, release)).  But.  She bit a vet tech pretty badly.  So, they have to keep the cat in quarantine for ten days.  It’s the law.  Of course, we’re going to have to pay for it.  He had to call me back, which he did within minutes.  Their regular price is fourteen dollars and cents each day.  We’ll have to pay about half price.  I was pretty pleased yesterday to hear how cheap the spay would be.  But that didn’t include the cost of quarantine.  I asked about the tech and she’s okay, her hand is sore.  She’s on antibiotics.  I asked if she could move it and the doctor told me that her thumb is hard to move, but that’s from inflammation.  He was pretty sympathetic.  I’m sure there are folks who wouldn’t want to pay for the quarantine, but I can’t see having her put down.  She’s a healthy cat, I know she doesn’t have rabies.

On another bad note, I heard the coyotes last night.  I hadn’t heard them in months.  I have to get Little Bit.  And I’ll be honest, I’m glad they’re keeping the tortie for ten days.  She’ll have a much better chance to recuperate from the surgery. I’d hate thinking she’s out there, newly spayed and in recovery when a coyote comes around.  I did ask what she was in and they’ve got her in a cage.  So, I can switch out the traps.  I don’t care for the big trap, I like the little one we caught her in. 

I have paperwork to catch up on because I was working on the taxes. Those are done and in the mail.  But I haven’t opened mail in a week or so and the pile is pretty big.  It shouldn’t take long to do, though.

That’s all for now.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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