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      Tuesday, September 02, 2008

08:12 AM - 09/02/2008

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #106!

Today, Lorelei presents her tummy for all to see.

click for a larger pic

And she’s not the least bit shy about it.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

08:15 AM - 09/02/2008

The topic: It’s been a year

today since Red went to the bridge.

What’s odd is when I call Bobby, I find myself wanting to say “Reddy”.  This has happened quite a bit and I have no idea why.  Maybe Bob reminds me of Red.

I sure miss that guy.

05:08 PM - 09/02/2008

The topic: $284 poorer

Took Bart to the vet this afternoon.  He threw up this morning and has been lethargic all afternoon.  Bart does not puke.  The past week he’s had a runny nose with some sneezing.

He’d lost a little over a pound in less than a year, which is always a concern, especially at his age.  So, the vet took blood.  Also running a thyroid test since Bart’s heart rate was rapid.  And Bart got a bunch of subQ fluids, since he was dehydrated.  The vet asked if any of the other cats are puking, and yes, they are.  So, we’re hoping that Bart just has a bug and nothing bad chronic going on.

The past couple of weeks, I’ll find that the cats ate very little during their dinner meal, which I kind of just pushed off to the heat.  Never considered we might have something going round.


The vet will call this evening with the results.


All of Bart’s organ values are well within normal range, even his thyroid.  Yay!

But his WBC is over 33,000.  Which indicates an infection somewhere.  So, I’m to keep him on amoxicillan and watch to see where the problem might be, gastrointestinal or upper respiratory.  Which I’ll be doing.

He did eat a little last night and this morning.  I think the fluids really helped him out.

      Saturday, September 06, 2008

05:23 PM - 09/06/2008

The topic: Laughing here

Brian and I joke that we’re the same person.  It happens so often that one of us will say out loud what the other one is thinking.  Sometimes it’s downright spooky.

So, we’re sitting in the office.  I’m working on the video of last year’s Disney meet (still…found out I used the wrong setting for the pictures and I’m having to redo all of them and there are a lot of them I have to redo…it’s hot and I’m cranky), Brian came home from working on a piece of his equipment that’s over at his brother’s house.  He tells me he’s hungry. 

Now, I don’t really feel like cooking a big meal.  Like I said, it’s hot, I’m cranky and I’m busy.  I open a couple of cans of chili, heat ‘em up, and dish it up and put chopped onions and shredded cheese on his and just cheese on mine. I gave him twice as much chili as I put in my bowl, thinking that should fill him up.  He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of chili, but once he started eating, he was okay with it.

I’m watching the House marathon on the USA network.  Brian says “you know that girl’s mother?”  And I said “yeah, she was in Carnivale”.  He laughed and I said “yeah, I can read your mind”.  So then he asks “what am I thinking now?”

I replied “about how very much you love me. And that you want ice cream.”  He just bust out laughing.  “How did you know?”  I repeated “I told you, I can read your mind.”  Then he says “what am I thinking now?” 

“That I’m full of crap.”

I’m eating ice cream right now.

      Monday, September 08, 2008

10:18 AM - 09/08/2008

The topic: Where did the forks go?

It’s a serious question. 

When we got married, I had a nice set of flatware my parents had given me.  Setting for eight.  I think over the years, I’d lost one fork.  We bought another set after we moved into this house.  Another setting for eight.  We should have at least fifteen forks.

We’ve got lots of spoons and knives.  Fair amount of salad forks.

But the dinner forks?  Maybe ten.  Or eleven.  Not sure, but I do know when all the flatware is cleaned and put away, there aren’t very many.

Where did they go?  I can only think through the years we inadvertantly dropped them into the trash when scraping off our plates.

Someday, we’ll get a couple of brand new sets and donate the old ones to a place that can sell them.  Or make windchimes and sell them in my store. That doesn’t sell very much at all.


      Friday, September 12, 2008

11:32 AM - 09/12/2008

The topic: The upcoming elections

I used to like McCain, but he flip-flopped on his views to get elected.  I don’t like that.  And when he chose his running mate and I read more about her, I got really scared.


and this



Nope, no way, no how would I vote for that woman even for street cleaner.

      Tuesday, September 16, 2008

09:43 AM - 09/16/2008

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #107!

Well, got too busy last week and totally lost track of Tuesday.  Before I knew it, it was already Saturday and little late for a Tuesday tummy.  But I’ve got one today, little Richie Cunningham.

If you click on over to the larger image, you can see where his bottom lip is a little swollen.  Yep, that allergy wasn’t completely cleared up on him and he’s back on prednisone.  *sigh*

click for a larger pic


If you've got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

      Wednesday, September 17, 2008

10:47 AM - 09/17/2008

The topic: We went to Disneyland last Saturday

and spent the night at the Anabella Hotel.  We’d talked about going up late one Saturday afternoon, going over to Tortilla Joe’s and knocking back a few margaritas, then heading over to Disneyland.  Then just come home in the morning, not go to the parks or breakfast, just come home.

Like we used to do.  Well, we did that Saturday.  After checking into the hotel, we had to wait at the stoplight and I noticed how cool the sun looked.  It was low in the sky and I could actually glance at it without frying my eyes.  And I fumbled with my camera, got it out and shot a few pictures.  I was surprised how nice this one came out.

      Friday, September 19, 2008

09:43 AM - 09/19/2008
We found a penny on our walk this morning

The topic: National talk like a pirate day

Today is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. If you post online or email folks, check out the translator above. It's fun and it's free!

      Tuesday, September 23, 2008

09:14 AM - 09/23/2008

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #108!

click for a larger pic

Caught Bobby taking a bath yesterday, grabbed the camera and grabbed a photo.  He didn’t mind.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!


      Sunday, September 28, 2008

10:34 AM - 09/28/2008

The topic: Woohoo!

The backyard cam is back up and running!  I don’t know what the problem was, but Brian got on the roof this morning, just to adjust where it pointed, and the remote started working again.

I’m wondering if there was a loose connection somewhere.  He swears he didn’t touch any wires, but something changed.

He’d made a cover for the glass globe when we changed the camera out earlier this year and he put that up this morning. So, I’m thinking there won’t be as much glare from the sun in the afternoon and there won’t be as much moisture on it in the morning when I first start it up.

Way cool!


10:40 AM - 09/28/2008

The topic: When was the last time you did this?

I put Advantage on thirty cats Friday.

It was lots of fun.  Oh, yeah, lots and lots.

      Tuesday, September 30, 2008

07:30 AM - 09/30/2008

The topic: If my father

Had taken better care of himself, eating right, exercising….you know the drill…

He would have turned 80 today.  But no, he oversalted his food, ate way too much red meat, didn’t visit a doctor regularly, took prescription pills meant for other people (real smart; and keep in mind my dad worked in the medical profession, he was an x-ray technician) and in May 1987, he passed out at work.  Testing found out he had heart problems and diabetes (which is why he’d lost weight, without dieting), his place of employment, UCSD Medical Center, had to send him over to Kaiser Permanente (which I still think is odd, but that was his medical insurance provider), they put him in ICU and the first morning after the first night his heart didn’t stop during his sleep, they did a stress test and sent him home.

He died the next night.  The day before Mother’s Day, 1987.  I found the Mother’s Day card he had for mom in her effects.  He’d never had a chance to sign it.

He was 58 years old. 

Well, anyway, happy birthday Dad!  Hope you’re having a hell of a party now that mom’s back with ya.

08:01 AM - 09/30/2008
We found a dime, two nickels and two pennies on our walk this morning

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #109!

click for a larger pic

Today’s tummy is compliments of Benjamin.  Benny.  Bennybennybuttcat.  Stretched out on the coffee table last night because it was still incredibly warm here.  I think I speak for the entire clowder when I say that cooler weather can’t get here soon enough.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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