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      Wednesday, August 01, 2007

04:37 PM - 08/01/2007
We found a dime on our walk this morning

The topic: *LOL*

A little while ago, I noticed Brian’s truck out front.  So, I wait for him to come inside. And I wait.  I finally went outside and looked around, didn’t see him.

I figure maybe he’s talking to one of the neighbors.

Fast forward an hour or so.  He should be in by now.  I call his cell.

“Where are you?  Your truck is out front, but I can’t find you anywhere.”

“My truck is out front?”

“Yeah, where are you?”

He starts laughing. 

“Mark drove this morning, don’t you remember?”


No.  I didn’t remember.

06:30 PM - 08/01/2007

The topic: A life irritation

I spent today putting CDs back in order in the exercise room.  I’ve got a 111 CD player in the family room and I emptied it out earlier this week.

When I’ve gotten new CDs or taken out old ones and downloaded them to my computer, I didn’t do the right thing and put them immediately away, I just let them stack up.

Well, It took me almost all day to get them back in order. And what I find extremely irritating is that I’ve got two CDs with no jewel cases.  Where the hell are the jewel cases?  They should have been in the cabinet with the other CD cases.  But they aren’t.  And I have no idea where they’d be.  I was hoping when I got everything back in its place, I’d find them.


Other people have missing socks.  I have missing CD cases.

      Monday, August 06, 2007

07:46 AM - 08/06/2007
We found a nickle on our walk this morning

The topic: A warning to all husbands

If you get a hair up your ass to clean out the freezer and your wife keeps her baking goods in the freezer, never, ever ever ever EVER throw out any of said goods without her permission.  Ask her first. Warn her that you’ve got this hair. Better yet, have her stand there while you start throwing things away, to make sure you don’t throw something out that is in the freezer for a reason.  Such as seasonal chocolate chips that were purchased on sale that will still be good to use the next season. And the peanut butter chips. And the combo chips.

Don’t do it.  Do NOT throw baking goods away.  If your wife does the baking, keep your mitts off of her goods.  Or else, you WILL be keeping your mitts off of her goods. 

If you know what I mean.

      Tuesday, August 07, 2007

08:34 AM - 08/07/2007

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #55!

click for a larger pic

Today’s tummy is from the archives.  It’s sweet Lucky, who passed on to the bridge a few years ago (kidneys shut down). She was always such a photogenic kitty.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

      Monday, August 13, 2007

07:25 AM - 08/13/2007

The topic: “Hi, sweetie”

That’s what I said to the cat under the chair on Brian’s side of the bed this morning as I was getting dressed to go walking.

Then I realized it was his boots, not a cat at all.


07:30 AM - 08/13/2007

The topic: Remote quit working

The camera on the roof cannot be moved.  The remote quit working.  I wish it had been aimed elsewhere when it quit.

      Tuesday, August 14, 2007

07:33 AM - 08/14/2007
We found nothing, nada, zero, zilch on our walk this morning

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #56!

And on this muggy mid-August morning, we have a Tummy Tuesday Twofer for your viewing pleasure!


click for a larger pic

First up is Richie,  who seems to be able to sleep on his back in just about any position, if that makes sense.  I know if I slept with my head on the pillow like that, I’d wake up with a stiff neck and a major headache (until I got the kink out of my neck - you know that big popping noise when you get your bones back into position; you just feel the relief as the blood starts flowing normally).

click for a larger pic

The “twofer” is Wally, who when he saw me taking Richie’s picture, jumped down from the cat condo and did a stretch on the cool tile for me, so he’d get his picture taken, too.  He’s such a big ham.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

      Monday, August 20, 2007

12:00 PM - 08/20/2007

The topic: Back from the vet

Yesterday, when I started to put Bart’s eye ointment in, I noticed a little white spot on his cornea.  I didn’t put the ointment in since it is a steroid ointment.  Instead, I put some Terramycin in it (I always have some of this on hand, because you never know when you’ll need it).  It didn’t look as bad this morning, but I still called the vet.

Charlene told me that since it was on the eye, it was best to bring him in and get it checked out.  I did.

Turns out that it most likely isn’t herpes related. The vet called it a corneal erosion.  He rubbed the cornea back and opened up the area so that it will heal better (the erosion happens under the cornea, not on top, so the top layer covers a portion of the problem - think of a flattened letter O with just part of the top missing; rubbing it back like he did opens the entire sore area up so it will heal more efficiently).  He stained it and we looked at it under the black light and you could see the problem.

So, Bart will be getting four things of eye ointment for the next week.  Terramycin followed by Ak Trol twice a day.  I take him back in next Monday for a recheck.

He’s lost a little weight, which I place on this incredible heat we’ve been having.  And he’s not a young cat, either.

He was a little disoriented when he got out of the carrier, but I gave him some raw beef and he’s happy. 

That eye has to hurt, though.  Poor guy.

      Tuesday, August 21, 2007

08:25 AM - 08/21/2007
We found a PENNY! on our walk this morning

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #57!

Today’s Tummy Tuesday pic is more of a tummy tease.  Cats just wouldn’t cooperate and I really should know by now to not wait until Tuesday morning to get my tummy pic.

So, here it is!  Once again, the tummy belongs to Wally.

click for a larger pic

He’s such a sweet cat, I wish he didn’t bite when he was happy.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!


      Monday, August 27, 2007

11:33 AM - 08/27/2007

The topic: Back from the vet

Welp, vet says my darling Bart is all better! 

Said these things usually take weeks to resolve, but Bart’s eye is great.  It still has a white spot, but I guess that will go away.  But no more ointments. 

I do have to hold off putting the other ointment back in, the one for his herpes for a couple of weeks, since it contains steroids and might cause another flare up of the corneal erosion.  Giving it a few weeks gives the cornea time to thicken up somewhat.


Funny thing, I walked out without paying.  They were really busy and I walked out of the examining room, out the waiting area, saying “bye!” as I left.  Got home, settled in, called Brian and told him today was a free day.  Then I got to thinking about it.

I called, Charlene answered, I said “do I owe you for this morning?”  She laughed and mentioned that she was just getting ready to call me.  *lol*  So, I gave her the CC number and that was it.

Oh, well, I tried.  *grin*

11:58 AM - 08/27/2007

The topic: KittyMeezer’s little buddy

I don’t know why I hadn’t mentioned this previously, but KM has a friend.  A red kitty, a boy kitty, an intact kitty.  He’s been around a couple of months.  I think his mom was Carla, because one of his ears is curled back like her’s was.

Anyway, we rarely saw him, but little by little, we’d see flashes of him as he ran off.

I guess KM let him know that we weren’t monsters and he would trot off when he saw us, no longer did he jet.

I would ask Kitty where his little buddy was and, of course, the name “Gilligan” came naturally after that.

Gilligan now doesn’t run out of sight whenever it’s time for breakfast or dinner, but he will move outside of the gate.  And if I’m inside, if I crank open one of the windows real slow while he’s eating at night and talk to him softly, he just looks at me and doesn’t run off.

I’m glad Meeze has a buddy.

Meeze would be gone during the day, spending time with Gilligan, but he’s recently stayed around here, fof most of the day.  Maybe one day Gilly will do the same thing.

      Tuesday, August 28, 2007

07:43 AM - 08/28/2007

The topic: It’s TUMMY TUESDAY #58!

Welcome to the 58th edition of lisaviolet’s Tummy Tuesday.

Today’s Tuesday tum belongs to the lovely and talented young Miss Rory Gilmore.  I caught her taking a little catnap yesterday afternoon and had to smile at her initial position.  Of course, the flash woke the little princess up

click for a larger pic

click for a larger pic

click for a larger pic

But then she rolled over, found an equally comfortable position and continued her nap, none the worse for wear from the little interruption.


If you’ve got a Tummy Tuesday blog entry, feel free to post the link in the comment section or trackback to this entry. And if you put a link back to this page, then more kitties will get to show off their tummies!

07:03 PM - 08/28/2007

The topic: Requesting prayers, healing thoughts, positive energy….

Anything that might help.

Last week, Red started making this horrible gagging sound when he ate kibble I put out at night, the treat stuff.  It’s not big, it’s small little cylindrical pieces.  Then I realized his meow was getting raspy.

Like Lonee, he’s mostly feral.  With her, she got weak enough that I could grab her and get her into the bathroom to feed her (I wouldn’t try that now, she’s feeling much better).  I tried to get Red this afternoon and he left part of a claw sheath in my hand and ran up into the rafters.  I didn’t try to get him from there.

I’ve been emptying out the garage and giving him canned food with a little water added, hoping that he’d eat it.  I’m scared something might be growing in his throat. I’m hoping/praying he’s just got a sore throat.  If it doesn’t show any signs of resolving, we’ll have to do what we can to get him into a carrier.

We’ve got a net for trapping back in the shop, never used, still in the original shipping package. And earlier this year, we got Brian some trapper’s gloves, the kind with Kevlar in them.  And today, I figured out a way that we might get Red into a carrier. By holding the carrier in front of the hole in the door from the garage.  If Red thinks I’m gonna try anything, he’ll leave the garage and go into the house.  If there was a carrier there, he’d most likely run into the carrier.

Brian’s reluctant to do anything right now, he thinks it was be too traumatic for Red. But if Red gets any worse, there won’t be a choice.

So, if you can send any kind of positive energy his way, I’d sure appreciate it.  He’s a great cat.

      Thursday, August 30, 2007

09:09 AM - 08/30/2007

The topic: Welp…

Last night in bed, there was a cat between us.  I asked Brian who this cat was, Richie or Opie?  It was Richie. And it sounded like he was having a hard time swallowing.  Sound familiar?

And just a few minutes ago, I saw him trying to eat some food, then gakking it up (gakking is the sound he was making).  Just like Red.

So, now, I’m thinking the clowder has a cold.  Lovely.  Red hasn’t gotten any better, he’s able to eat even less than before, but he looks good and alert.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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