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      Tuesday, April 28, 2015

06:45 AM - 04/28/2015

The topic: A quick update


So, I'm feeling more relaxed right now. Why? The floral arrangement for Mother's Day is finished. And the reason it's finished so soon is I entered it into a contest. Lots of time and effort and taking pictures that I was pleased with wasn't that easy. None of them seemed good enough. Anyway, I'll be posting a longer entry later today or this week about the progress of the arrangement, from start to finish and list out what I used from which kit. This is the graphic I used for my entry:


You can vote for my entry here. It's funny, but I really do feel like a huge load is off of my shoulders now. Everything that had been pressing is finished.

Katie is still with us, she has a good appetite still, but she doesn't eat a lot at a time. I'll feed her, she'll eat a small amount (A/D with baby food and water added to make it easy to lap up) and then she'll walk away. But within ten minutes she wants more to eat. It can take a half hour to forty-five minutes before she's had her fill. The thing is I can't walk away and do something else, I have to keep her in my line of sight to keep the other cats from helping her eat. They really don't help at all, she walks away. She needs to eat.

Brian started talking to NotPancho last night, telling him he's welcome to come live with us. We really think he may be Pancho's brother, they look so much alike. One of NP's ears is all messed up, looks like he had a worse hematoma than DaNiece did. After Brian talking Little Bit into the trap back in 2004, I've come to see Brian as a sort of cat whisperer. Maybe he'll get NP back in the yard to live here forever and ever.

Well, Brian's hopping in the shower, the guy who set up the tree trimming last month is supposed to be here this morning with a helper to pull the weeds around the pool. Business has picked up a little and it's nice to be able to get this stuff done.

And my little Ranger should be going to the shop soon. There's something going on with it that Brian can't fix, it's been having problems for a couple of years now and we haven't been able to afford to take it in. This sucks because it means we have one reliable mode of transportation, that's my Escape. And when he's taking his mom to her appointments (a couple of times a month) or when he has to go up to the Los Angeles area to pick up supplies, I'm here without a vehicle. Not that I plan on going anywhere, but if something happens to one of the cats, I need a way to get to the vet. Luckily, our vet isn't even a mile from here, so breaking down in the truck wouldn't be that big of a thing, but I hate not feeling safe in it.

Other than that, things are rolling along. And I should be back on a more consistent basis now that all the things that have deadlines are done.

And paperwork has piled up again. One of these days I'll keep on top of it....yeah, that's it....

I'm delusional.



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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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