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      Friday, January 31, 2014

02:28 PM - 01/31/2014

The topic: How cool is this?


Earlier today, I posted about my new shoes (it's there, you'll just have to look for it....shade_smirk ) and how I wanted a new pair exactly like them. 

Well, the store is out of our way and I thought it would be a good idea to call and see if they had them in stock and if they were still on sale (they were on sale, twenty-seven dollars off; I found the receipt, I got them last Friday). I call, tell her what I wanted, what make, what size, what style and ask about the sale price. 

She comes back, they have the shoe, the size, the style, she'll put them on hold for me and sell them to me at last week's sale price as long as I pick them up by five tomorrow. 

Getting them this afternoon.


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09:10 AM - 01/31/2014

The topic: Shoes


I've been tired. I think it's because of my foot. The one with the bunion. The one that I pulled a tendon on the top of a couple of weeks ago. 

I hate wearing shoes. I hate buying shoes. I've never liked it and since this freaking appendage took over (the bunion) I've really hated it. I've got a shoe stretcher (from back in the grasshopper days when the bunion started to really bother me) I use to stretch the right shoe in the toebox area. So the bunion doesn't hurt so much.

I've never spent a lot of money on shoes. I prefer barefoot. Always have. Sure, I liked the come catch me, hope I trip, f* me shoes back in the day, those tall spike heels, but they were always open toed. Never those ugly pointy things that squished your toes together and where you could see the top of your toes, it looked like little butt cracks. Ugly. My favorite shoes (that weren't sandals) were platformed sandals. Cherokee brand (remember those?) 

Anyway, this past couple of weeks my feet have been very unhappy. The bottoms feel like they've been beaten with a lead pipe. My legs have been aching. A lot. 

And I figured out that wearing shoes helps. Oh. My. Gosh. I HATE wearing shoes!

I can't wear just any shoe. Last week, I told Brian I needed a new pair of shoes. Like I said, I'm not big on buying shoes, it's really not a favorite thing of mine. We went to CostCo and they didn't have anything I'd put on my feet. Wrong size or just plain ugly. Then we headed over to Big 5 Sporting Goods. I tried on four pair and found one that didn't kill. I'd explained to the young man about the bunion from hell and since I was walking around in stocking feet, I showed him my butt ugly bunion. The next pairs of shoes he brought out were all "wide". Loved it!

I settled on a pair of New Balance. The toe box looked like I'd be able to push out the bunion area with my stretcher. They were on sale and with a coupon I nabbed online, they were about five bucks more than any of the shoes at CostCo. Brought them home, put the right shoe on the stretcher. They were great. 

Of course, sitting for two hours on the trip up to Disneyland, my feet tightened up and they were killing me once we were out of the car, but after walking for about a half hour, the pain had subsided and I felt normal. 

I haven't worn shoes since Sunday, but after the soreness of my legs yesterday and my revelation that my legs hurt because my feet hurt and I was walking weird to compensate for that, I put shoes on. And my legs don't hurt and my feet don't hurt.

Arrgh!  Is this how it's going to be? At the ripe old age of sixty, I have to wear shoes? Man, this sucks. 

My shoes are pretty, though. We're going to get me another pair just like these. I'll have an everyday pair and a "dress" pair. Well, not dress, but clean. 

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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