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      Wednesday, January 29, 2014

03:07 PM - 01/29/2014

The topic: Arrgh!!!


Stupid, stupid messed up websites and other stuff!

I needed to get Brian tickets for an ag show he goes to. If you buy them online, there's a considerable savings. 

It won't take my order. I tried different credit cards, different names, different browsers, nothing worked, so after about a half hour of trying this I called.

"Oh, yeah, we're having problems with the website, it should be working this afternoon."

Within a half hour I get a call back, asking for Dianne. Yeah? You got her.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know you can place your order now."


Five minutes later, the phone rings. It's her again. Asking for Brian. (I told you I tried different names.) I laugh. I tell her I already got the message. And if she sees another call from a Patricia at this number, don't call. *laughing*

I signed us up for California Covered healthcare last month, since Aetna said "so long, sucker!" to the individual policy holders here in California. We needed something else, I did my research, one of the important things was keeping our doctor. I checked the plans where we could still go to him and there was Anthem Silver and Health Net Bronze. Comparing the two plans, everything was exactly the same. Same percentages, same copays, same everything. Except the monthly payment. Going with the bronze plan, we save over three hundred a month. And it's way better than our Aetna policy and payment. 

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I get an email that I need to choose a primary care physician. Now, this is a PPO plan, but I'm clueless. I follow the directions to choose a doctor. Can't do it. Then I find out when I call to ask how to do this for both Brian and me, that we each need our own Health Net online account. Then I can allow him to access my information and he can allow me to access his information. And choose our primary care physicians.

I swear I spent hours trying to get this to work. I never could. I sent an email. "Hey, I can't choose primary care physicians for either of us, what's up with that? How do I do this?" I figure they'll get back to me when they get back to me.

I got this in this afternoon's mail. One of those messages that most likely went out to thousands of people.

"Health Net Update: Your Doctor Choices  

Hi! This is Health Net again. We sent you an email a couple weeks ago telling you that you have one main doctor with your Health Net plan. That email was sent to you by mistake. You have a Health Net PPO insurance plan, so you can go to any doctor you like."


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11:39 AM - 01/29/2014

The topic: Yesterday I kept asking my cats


If they really thought I was just a big, dumb cat.

They didn't respond.

Cats think you are a just a big stupid cat


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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