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      Thursday, January 16, 2014

07:44 AM - 01/16/2014

The topic: What’s that smell?


Yesterday, after I got out of the shower and dressed, I walked past my bathroom and smelled this really awful smell. It wasn't a normal bathroom smell. 

I checked the toilet, nothing, flushed it anyway. I ran water for about five minutes down the drain in the sink. I checked around the toilet for maybe a Georgie turd (he poops in there sometimes when he gets locked in with his food). Nothing. I smelled the little trash can, it didn't smell, but I emptied it anyway.

I couldn't find the source. I asked Brian if he could smell it, he could. He wondered if maybe it was coming from outside of the bathroom. I went out and checked. Nothing.

I figured what I'd have to do is pull everything out of the cupboards below the sink and look for something dead (cats bring in lizards). It was too dark in the afternoon, turning on the light wasn't an option since it was so hot yesterday (90s) so I figured that would be my chore for this morning (sun shines brightly on that side of the house). Well, an hour or so later, the smell was all gone and it hasn't come back.

Really strange.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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