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      Tuesday, January 14, 2014

12:17 PM - 01/14/2014
The current weather is 77° and windy

The topic: We have a wind advisory now


Usually nothing comes of these, but it's holding true today. Winds have picked up, leaves are rattling in the trees and the bedroom door just slammed shut. It's dry, tinder dry. Not good, fire season doesn't usually start until the end of the summer. We badly need some rain.

Time to start blocking everything open so no fur face gets hurt.


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10:47 AM - 01/14/2014

The topic: Remember the movie “Marley and Me”?


Meet one of the puppies from the film. This guy was the pup on the beach and one of the pups that ripped up the garage. His name is "Jake". He's a very sweet dog. His owner is one of Brian's customers who lives locally and he brought Jake with him yesterday. 

Trying to get a selfie with this puppy, but he kept giving me kisses. (As usual, clicking on a photo will bring up a larger one.)

Checking out the entry way. We get possums and raccoons in there at night drinking from the fountain.

Jake was all over the place, it was hard to get a photo of him sitting still. But I got one.

I did get a closeup.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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