I loved that keyboard. It was my second keyboard like that. I commandeered Brian's when my first one died (we got them at the same time; he didn't really like it.) A Microsoft comfort keyboard. Wireless. With a cover that was custom made (that I washed during the recent paperwork procrastination period). It was connected to my KVM switch, the thing that allows me to use one keyboard, one mouse and one monitor between four PCs. I only use it with three.
It had special buttons. I never used any of them, but they were there if I wanted to use them.
Right now I have an old wired Creative keyboard attached. I can't move it anywhere. I can't type with it on my lap. Meh. Need a new one.
Spent hours looking last night. It sucked. They don't have keyboards that connect to the computer like the old one did. Now, they've got this transceiver thing. And the word around the weblands is these transceivers don't play well with KVM switches. (Having a Mrs Crabbypants moment). What I'll have to do is move the transceiver from one PC to the other as I need it.
I ended up going with a Logitech Wireless Keyboard K360 and the Viziflex Keyboard Condom. The cover is a must have for me, with the cats hair and fuzz and all. I'm sure the covers are the reason my old keyboards lasted so long.
The new keyboard isn't fancy, not a lot of bells and whistles. Logitech has one that's illuminated. It was $80.00. That's above my pay grade. I bet it's pretty cool, but I don't usually need to find the keys on the keyboard (took typing in high school). That only happens when there's a cat on my lap and I try typing by holding the keyboard in the air, typing very slowly, looking for the letters. We've got plenty of lighting here in the office.
So, the new keyboard should be here Tuesday, the cover later in the week. Yay.
I wish my old one hadn't died.
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