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      Saturday, January 04, 2014

01:09 PM - 01/04/2014

The topic: CostCo pharmacy


They make me crazy. 

A few years ago I ranted about calling in a prescription and it not being ready. Not that the prescription wasn't ready, but that it didn't have all the pills I wanted (it's my blood pressure meds - they're generic and they're cheap; there's no street value for them and according to the paperwork, they're not listed as a controlled substance).

Instead of getting and paying for thirty at a time, I get all the refills at once. Last year my doc doubled the amount I take, instead of one pill a day, I take two. One wasn't doing it. Now, this was verbally, it's not written anywhere on the prescription. But the amount I get at a time is a lot more than when I was using one. I used to be able to get a hundred and fifty, this time it was three hundred. Five months' worth.

I called in the prescription on Tuesday. I told the woman I wanted all of them, not just one month's (actually, fifteen days' worth since I have to double up on them). She was in a hurry to get off of the phone and brushed me off. Fine. I know what has to be done.

Yesterday we planned on going to Costco to pick them up. I called yesterday afternoon to make sure they had the right amount in that bottle. They didn't. They didn't have all of them, they only had thirty pills. I tell her what I want. I want all of them at once, I don't want to come in every two weeks for a refill. Okay, fine, it should be about an hour and a half. 

The pharmacist calls me back. "We only have two hundred and eighty-five, if you come in tomorrow, we'll have all three hundred". Just give me what you've got, I'm fine with that. Fifteen pills is only a week's worth, that's doable. "Are you sure?" Yes, I'm sure.

So, we head over there. In the parking lot, Brian asks if I've got my card. When we get inside, I can head over to the pharmacy and he'll do the shopping. It was a long line and I was so glad I'd called in earlier, we'd have never gotten out of there. As it was, he shopped, checked out and was out in the car waiting for me to finish at the pharmacy.

You know, I'm sure if they got it right the first time, the line wouldn't have been so long.

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the morning walk
08:52 AM - 01/04/2014

The topic: Dang.


We started walking again this week and instead of working up to our long walks, we did the short walk on Monday and Tuesday, took Wednesday off, then started up the big hill on Thursday and around the block on Friday (both routes are over two miles long). 

My legs are so sore! Good thing I've got the weekend to recuperate.

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08:42 AM - 01/04/2014
I'm watching The War Wagon on AMC.

The topic: Well, bummer


I'm actually going to have to work on the calendars, not have them magically formatted. longface

I have to format each month individually to fit the 12" x 12" paper as well as the color scheme. But once that's done, it should be pretty easy. 

Already had my first Zipfizz (have much to do today). I wanted to get at least two calendars done. One for Brian (he's my test subject) and I really need one in the laundry room so I can keep track of cat meds.

Brian just went down to Jack in the Box for breakfast (we had dinner there last night, we usually do fast food it after a trip to CostCo...which reminds me, I need to make a post in one of my newest categories "Mrs. Crabbypants"). 

So, I've got the colors and fonts done, just added the special days, now to get the sizes of the weeks done so they fit the paper. And I'm taking notes. Took me long enough to know that notes help. 

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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