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      Wednesday, October 24, 2012

12:52 PM - 10/24/2012

The topic: Vet update for Miss and Spot


No update for Katie Blue because I couldn’t catch her. I had her in the carrier but she got out before I could shut the door on it.

Miss E’s values are pretty close to what they were four years ago.  BUN is 3.5, her Creatinine is 2.5.  She also has a “raging bladder infection” which is probably why she’s leaking.  So, tomorrow I pick up Orbax and I’m to start her on Calcitriol, which Georgie already gets.  They can split the bottle.  Doc said we should have a fair amount of time with her (she’ll be nineteen later this year).

Spot chewed through his catheter last night, but he’s peeing nicely.  The vet explained how Spot’s penis is so small in relation to his body size. He has no idea why and I mentioned the extra chromosone (Spot is a male calico - one nice sized black spot on his side, hence his name) and he said that’s entirely possible.  I’m to continue giving him the Clavamox, 120CC of fluids tomorrow and no food after midnight tomorrow.  His surgery is scheduled for Friday.  I take him in around nine and meet his surgeon.  The surgeon’s wife helps him and Spot will go to their house for at least a week of recovery.  (Thank God, I remember when Kirby had his P/U surgery and got into the rafters with that stupid e-collar on and he tumbled onto the cement floor and we did a very rushed trip to E.R. with him. I was afraid his stent had some loose.)

So, that’s today’s update.

I’ve been taking pictures and uploading them to the photo album, I’ll start posting them here again as soon as I get my rhythm back.

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12:51 PM - 10/24/2012

The topic: Spot


Spot needs surgery. His body is manufacturing struvite crystals like crazy and nothing has helped. We spent close to $1500 these past months trying to resolve the problem and thought we had it taken care of, but yesterday morning he was blocked again and doing an ultrasound, the vet said his bladder looks like a snow globe. His penis is small for his size and the vet said if it’s not removed, Spot will block and he will die.

He’s scheduled for surgery Friday morning. The surgery total will be $2581.00.

The thing is, this economy hit us pretty hard and we’re having a hard time coming up with the funds. Over the years, we’ve helped a lot of cats and people who were in need. Now I find that we’re the ones in need. If you can, please send a little to me (via Paypal .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) - use the personal option, otherwise PayPal will take 4.4% of your donation) or my vet. Judy Vet Clinic 619-449-3500 on the account of Spot. You can tell them it’s for Dianne. They’ll know who it is.

Thank you for any help you can send Spotty’s way.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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