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      Monday, October 22, 2012

02:00 PM - 10/22/2012

The topic: Test results



Double up on my blood pressure meds.  Start taking a statin.   Stomach acid horrible after stopping the omeprazole, call doc, he says “take it for another two weeks, call me and I’ll refer you to a gasteronenterologist”.  I take Zantac, it helps.

Saturday I started looking up “liver dump” referring to the dumping of liver bile into the intestines after gallbladder surgery.  I find some references to the helpfulness of probiotics.  Okay. I’ll try probiotics (I’m really not excited about another doctor and more tests if something else will take care of the problem).

Yesterday after breakfast, we went to Sprout’s, a natural food type of place, with lots of vitamins, minerals and supplements.  A health food store. And I bought some probiotics. PB 8.  Great reviews on Amazon. Took two when I got home.  No reflux at all yesterday. None when I went to bed, I felt no burning sensation of bile rising when I laid down.

I took two this morning.  No reflux as yet today. Okay, I think I can live with this, if it keeps working. It’s also supposed to help with cholesterol and hypertension.  Wouldn’t that be great if I could get everything under control and cut back on my meds?

I think it would.

Fingers crossed..

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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