I’m going to try to do the stuff I had planned to do yesterday.
Yesterday was pretty much a wasted day since I spent the majority of the morning and half the afternoon looking for Little Bit. I admit I was worried about her since the night visitor in the garage. I was 99.99% sure she was somewhere on the property, I just wanted to see her.
I finally spotted her around 2:30, on the deck of the cathouse by the pool. The same cathouse I’d checked with a flashlight at least once and by shaking it at least twice. She saw me coming, ducked down into it and I shook it and out came a tiny, shiny black kitty. She didn’t run far, once I left the vicinity, she was back in it.
I think she was going behind me, hitting the places I’d just looked.
So, this morning, a little after four, when I usually let the cats out, I went outside first with a flashlight, looking for any yard visitors, finding none came back inside and opened the door for the cats to go out. And go out they did. I went back to bed.
And I got up a little before six, turned on the computers, opened the blinds, moved all the stuff I had in front of the garage door (just in case something decided to pay us another visit, yanno?), unlocked the cat door and fed the kitties.
I’ve got my sweats on, going to put on some shoes, climb in the car and go to Jack in the Box and get me another breakfast Jack combo, make that coffee a large.
And let’s see how far I can get today. I really need to fix the cord problem at my computer (I’ve got lots of peripherals). And I got smart last night, I recorded the Lord of the Rings trilogy (hard to sit and watch when you’re busy looking for an invisible cat).
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