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      Wednesday, June 23, 2010

03:04 PM - 06/23/2010

The topic: No motivation….


Brian went to a doctor for the first time Monday.  Well, not a chiropractor doctor but the kind that can prescribe pills.  When asked why he was there, Brian told him “I’m fifty-three years old and I’ve never been to a doctor.  I figured it was time.”  Brian’s blood pressure was high and he’s supposed to monitor it and take the results in in a couple of weeks.  I’m supposed to be doing that, too. 

And the doctor wanted Brian to have blood taken.  The doctor wanted me to do that, too, but it’s hard to fast with Brian around.  But we didn’t need an appointment and we fasted last night and went in this morning.  Did you know that gum is considered a food?  Ruh row.  We each had a piece on our walk this morning, since my mouth gets super dry, I just can’t walk without it.  I also found out you’re not supposed to exercise. But they went ahead and took our blood (with notations that we didn’t fast; who’d have thought sugar free gum would count as food?), results will be in tomorrow.

Anyway, we had breakfast at IHOP afterwards, then came home. And have done pretty much close to squat since.  Brian painted the door trim on his shop.  I put dishes in the drainer away.  Haven’t even made the bed.  I’ve been farting around on the internet, looking at plugins for my video software, wishing we were rich.  *lol*  I did get a 40% discount on one site, after posting on their FaceBook wall that the savings Corel users were supposed to get for a set of plugins was the same that everybody paid, nothing special.  That was pretty cool, one of the plugins pixelates part of the image, so if I ever have video that I don’t want things shown I can pixelate them like on tv!  *lol*

I started a trial of NetFlix last week, only 8.99 a month, add $2.00 for Blu-ray (I did).  I’m going to cancel HBO since there’s really not much there that we watch.  We watched “Sherlock Holmes” Saturday night and I got it in the mail Monday. We got our second movie (Knowing) today.  Really quick turnaround.

The State Comp audit went smoothly and quickly. The auditor was late, a young thing.  Didn’t like animals, though. Before she stepped foot in the house, she asked if we had any dogs, she was afraid of dogs.  I told her, no just cats.  Then when she came in, she did the girly thing hands in the air when the cats came to meet her.  I’d cleaned before she got here and had taken the chair pads off since I didn’t have enough time to wash them.  Didn’t want whoever showed up to get a furry butt.   After she left, I kind of wished I’d left them on.  She deserved Potter fur on her black pants for being such a sissy about the cats.

There are so many things I need to do.  I was able to get a new heat press with some of the car money (yay!) and I haven’t even plugged it in.  I’ve got all this cool new media to work with and I just can’t get my butt in gear to do it.  I’ve got some glass jars in the cupboard that I need to etch labels into.  I can make stencils with the Quick Kutz Silhouette machine I got last year and use etching acid to etch the glass.  Probably would take me less than an hour to make the stencils, but here I sit.  Doing nothing. 

Brian’s next to me reading his tractor forums. He’s got a lot of work to do this next month and a half, he’s moving out of the shop that he’s renting and moving his stuff to his shop here at home.  It’s going to be a major thing.  He has to make another set of gates at the side of the house, with the same fencing at the top as the current gate, as well as run more fencing up the bank, since he can’t leave his work truck out front and it would be a nightmare to get the cats in the house everytime he needed to open it to bring his truck in.  He needs to clean out his shop here at home to make room for all of the equipment that’s at his current shop.  He needs to clean out his stacking files here in the home office of all the catalogs and manuals he’s collected since work slowed down so much that he hasn’t kept his paperwork here and hasn’t needed to use them.  Like I said, he’s got a LOT of work to do.

And here we both sit. Staring at our respective monitors. 

What a sad lot we are.  


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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