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      Sunday, August 30, 2009

09:07 AM - 08/30/2009

The topic: Mystie has a mouth problem


Last night, I was petting her, scritched her chin, the rubbed her cheeks.  She ran off.  I was able to get her to come to me again and I tried to look in her mouth. 

I saw that her top right canine tooth was dark brown at the bottom.  She ran off and wouldn’t come to me again until this morning.  I haven’t looked in her mouth today, I’m keeping my fingers away from it, since I know there’s a problem and looking at it won’t make it better.  I tested her with an empty pill pocket, she was able to get it in her mouth and she can chew okay.  So, then I gave her another with an amoxicillan in it and she ate that with no problem.

Ideally, Clincamycin would be the best for her and I’ve got some, but it’s very foul tasting and I need to be able to get her when I take her in to the vet.  So, I started her on the weaker antibiotic.

I spent a lot of time this morning looking at her face, trying to see if her face looks swollen.  It does, around her nose. 

I know that family has a history of tooth problems, Richie and Daniece (who are Mystie’s nephew and niece) have both had teeth pulled. So, I’m hoping that’s what the problem is and it’s not something horrible like Pepper had.  I hope the swelling is just from infection, not from a tumor.

I’ll call the vet tomorrow morning and see how soon they can take her in.  The earlier the better.  Keep your fingers crossed for our snarky, bitchy little Mystie.  Thanks.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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