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      Friday, October 26, 2007

10:49 AM - 10/26/2007

The topic: Thank you, Woot.com!


Earlier this week, I got a brown refurbished Zune on Woot.com for $79.99 plus $5.00 shipping and handling.  The black or white ones are $20.00 more, so this was a pretty good deal.  Thirty gig - I didn’t want to pass it up. Anyway, I get an email from Woot that they ran out of the brown ones, so they’re sending a black one instead of the brown.  And they’re also including this.

How nice!

No more media players for me, this should do it.  For a couple of years anyway.

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10:40 AM - 10/26/2007

The topic: Daniece update


Vet just called, said she had cavities in that tooth that caused it to break off.  It’s just being held in by a little bit of whatever right now.  Her upper canine on the same side has a similar problem, the gum is very inflamed and that tooth needs to come out (it’s loose). 

But the rest of her teeth and gums look good.  He said it was probably from some sort of viral thing she had as a kitten.  Having both canines on the same side removed will make her lip a little odd on that side, he said it would make her “look stupid”, but stupid is better than dead.

She can come home after three this afternoon.

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08:01 AM - 10/26/2007

The topic: Damn it!


Last night, Daniece was drooling quite a bit while Brian held her.  He said it was because she was happy.  I wasn’t so sure.  I tried to look into her mouth, but she was having none of it.

I was able to peek in this morning.  One of her bottom canines is sticking straight out of her mouth.  Gum looks fine, at least to me.  But I’ll have to get her into the vet as soon as I can.


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07:55 AM - 10/26/2007

The topic: Prayers requested


Prayers, stay safe thoughts, whatever you can send.

Going out to PersianMom. She lives in the Running Springs area and had to evacuate earlier this week.  No one has been able to contact her.

She’s a wonderful woman who rescues both dogs and cats, pulling them from shelters before they’re due to be put to death.  She’d mentioned two cats she might not be able to trap (the wonderful world of feral rescue) and get into carriers when she evacuated.

From what I can find, that area has been hard hit by the fires.

I’m very scared for her.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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