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      Monday, October 22, 2007

02:09 PM - 10/22/2007

The topic: Nature abhors a vacuum


Since Captain spends a lot of his inside time on my chair (and I spend a lot of my time trying not to slide off of the front since he’s got most of the seat area behind me) I put him in the catcam chair.  I petted him, talked to him, told him to wave to the world.  I walked off and he jumped down.

Imagine my surprise to see he got back up.  I hope he decides to sleep there often.  When Mystie isn’t there.

And if he does, I imagine it will be much to Brian’s chagrin.  See, he was trying to get Oliver to hang out there since Oliver is a big pest at night when Brian is trying to sleep.   Ollie is one of those kitty cats who will paw at you to get your attention.  He doesn’t care what part of the body he paws at and Brian’s head is usually his target, since that’s the only thing not under the covers.

Brian put Ollie in the chair last night, but Ollie immediately jumped down and has no obvious inclination to jump back up.

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10:21 AM - 10/22/2007

The topic: Fires


Back in 2003, there was the Cedar Fire. You know, the first time we met Wally (the first picture I ever took of him is on the page I just linked to). They’re saying the latest rounds of fires could be worse than that one.  *sigh*  There are seven right now that I now of, here in San Diego county.  More up in Los Angeles area.  One down here is in Descanso.  We went to Descanso for breakfast yesterday morning.  It was windy on the way up, but much worse on the way home Santa Ana winds happen in the fall. I like the winds, I don't like it when they come with fire.

This just sucks. Off to get Rory in because of the bad air quality.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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