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      Saturday, September 29, 2007

11:53 AM - 09/29/2007

The topic: Ow! Ow! Ow!


Boy howdy, it hurts to type. My right wrist is swollen and my left index finger is bandaged and I cut a piece out of an old towel and have that wrapped over three band-aid type things. It’s hard to type with this thing on my finger. I put it there because my finger is so freaking COLD. And to help cushion against knocking it on something, which startd it bleeding again.

Why am I like this? Well, this morning I let the cats out shortly after four. I get up a little before six and go outside to check on them and to see Charlie. (He’s fitting in do well.) Charlie loves being out there and loves to run. This morning, he ran up a tall bush, looks like a small tree. The stalks are maybe an inch in diameter, fairly close together. Rory goes running after him and he starts to cry bloody murder. I yell at Rory, it doesn’t stop. I went over to break up a fight, but Rory was nowhere to be seen.

Charlie’s back leg was caught between the branches on the ground. Example. Put one of your hands up and hold your second and fourth finger forward and your middle finger back. You’ve got the points of a small triangle. You’ve also got a little area that you can hold something. Second and fourth fingers on one side, middle finger on the other. Now, imagine it’s a small bush with stalks and imagine a cat’s back leg caught up in the triangle. Imagine the cat can’t get loose.

I tried. He bit. He bit hard and he bit plenty. I was able to scruff him and I started yelling out for Brian (who was still in bed). I must have screamed his name at least four times before he made it out, still in his underwear. He climbed up next to me and took a look at the situation and pulled one of the branches back and Charlie took off.

Meanwhile, my index finger is bleeding profusely (a good thing, flushes out bacteria). Now so much my right wrist. We get in the house, my first concern is the cat, Brian’s is my hands. I wrapped a wet paper towel around my finger and found Charlie in the rafters. He seemed to be okay, his leg wasn’t dangling and he was walking on it. Good. 

Brian got the bleach and I soaked in bleach water for about five minutes (should have been longer, but I was still worried about Charlie). 

It hurts like a sonuvabitch right now.  I’m soaking my arm in epson salts to keep the wound open for drainage.  It’s swollen right now, but I kind of expected that.  If if doesn’t look any better tomorrow, guess I’ll have to get to the doctor.   Bleh.  But I’ve always had a strong immune system so I’m not terribly worried about it.  The only sucky thing is we’re taking our yearly mini-vacation a week from Tuesday and I really needed to be cleaning house this weekend. 


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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