Knowing we’d be gone yesterday and getting a nasty wake-up call last week that Georgie is having problems, I called Friday and made an appointment for today.
He wasn’t showing much interest in food at all, no matter what kind I put in front of him. He was lethargic and just looked bad. I thought maybe it was his teeth, so that’s what I mentioned when I made the appointment Thursday afternoon.
One of the cats has been leaving some pretty strong colored urine around. Brian said it was Captain, but I was thinking it was Oliver. Captain doesn’t spray, Ollie does.
Saturday morning it became clear this urine was coming from Georgie. I watched him pee against one of the bottom cupboard doors in the kitchen. He had no obvious discomfort while he went, but when I cleaned it up, I knew who had the problem. For any other cat, I’m prepared, but Georgie does not respond to amoxicillan. In the past, the vet had him on orbax and I had none. Well, at least he’s not blocking, so the danger isn’t immediate. Around noon, I gave him 120cc of fluids, thinking he seemed a little dehydrated and the fluids shouldn’t hurt at this point and they might help dilute his urine and help flush his bladder. He took them very nicely, not a fuss at all.
Within hours he was showing improvement, his attitude picked up and he was even willing to start eating. He’s gotten progressively better since then.
When weighed this morning, he’d lost two pounds since his last vet visit. This concerns the doctor and he advised x-rays and blood tests. The x-rays showed all clear and I’m waiting on the blood test results. The doc’s concern is beginning kidney failure or thyroid problems. We talked a little about the obvious bladder problem (he couldn’t get any urine for testing) and when I told him that he’d given George orbax in the past since amoxi didn’t work he remembered. “Ah, yes, I remember that”. Since he no longer carries orbax, he prescribed some baytril.
So, I’m hoping this is all because of a nasty bladder infection and nothing that will require lots of attention on my part. He’s a great patient, but it’s really not lots of fun for either of us.
Cross your fingers for my little black and white guy.
Well, the bloodwork came back pretty good except for some liver values. The vet wants me to bring George back for an ultrasound. Drop him off, pick him up later. We’ve got it scheduled for Thursday. He wants to make sure there’s nothing really bad going on. And if there is something other than some sort of glitch in the bloodwork, catching whatever it is early will help towards getting him over it.
Unless it’s something really, really bad.
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