About this new (to me) blogging software, is the capability to input fields and to have them automatically show up if I put something in the box for them when I make my journal entry. I made special fields for music, mood, weather, tv and earworm. If I don’t fill them in, they don’t show up. With GreyMatter (my old software) I could only do two and no matter what I did, I could never get the third option to work properly.
I can also make the special field entry a link. So that if I really want to share what I’m watching or listening to, you, the reader, can click on the link and see what I’m referring to. It will usually be a link to music or a DVD. Check out today’s earworm link. And then you’ll know what’s bouncing around in my head. Over and over again.
“Cat. I’m a kitty-cat. And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance….”