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      Tuesday, January 24, 2006

07:07 PM - 01/24/2006
I'm watching Scrubs

The topic: Laundry….


I’m on my third load!  Woohoo! 

I have about a hundred more to go.   Cat blankets.  Cat pads.   Towels.  (Brian said “hey, that means I can put my week overdue towels in there!”)  Pillows.  Cat beds.  Socks.  Shirts.  Levis. 

I’m so excited!  Life is back on track.  My universe is back in sync. 

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03:39 PM - 01/24/2006

The topic: I’m doing a load of laundry


The repairman showed up this afternoon.  I spent the morning cleaning up the house; First I cleaned my bathroom, then I did the dusting and vacuuming.  I did all the floors and the cat trees (not the bedroom, though).  It’s a pretty nice day and I had all of the doors and windows open, so the house smelled fresh.  It’s been very windy here today.

Anyway, he came in, I told him where the parts were and he took off the cover, replaced the pump, put the machine back together.  Then he started up a cycle and it sounded way better.  Much, much better. 

When he had uninstalled the old pump, I picked it up and looked inside.  I asked if he had to take it with him, because I really wanted Brian to see what was inside of it.  He said he had to, so I took a picture of the crud inside:

This stuff is like cement.  It does not just rub off.  It’s like the stuff that was in the dispenser, the stuff I was chiseling out with a screwdriver (I still haven’t gotten it all).  And apparantly what was happening is a piece would break off and block the pump from working properly (you can kind of see a piece at the back of the image).   I think the fact that we’ve got hard water added to the problem.

So, no more powder detergent.  And I’m real excited to be doing laundry again.

The first thing?  The sofa cover that hasn’t been washed in a month.  It’s nasty.  Really, really nasty.  But I had to leave it on because I didn’t have anything else to protect the sofa.  Ah, clean stuff.  I’m so looking forward to clean stuff.

With this and the Annie news, it’s been a great day.

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02:46 PM - 01/24/2006

The topic: According to the vet


Annie is getting better!  He said her RBC is creeping up, so that’s good for her anemia.  Her BUN and creatinine are better, her phosphorus shows little change.

She lost more weight, but it was only .08 of a pound.  He was truly amazed at her progress.  And, honestly, so am I.

This morning, before I took her in for her test, I called Brian and told him I wasn’t going to do it, I thought maybe it would just be best to say goodbye.  He was alarmed, asked “why?” because she’d been doing a little better yesterday.  I guess it was because she just didn’t look good this morning and she didn’t want anything to eat.  I said “okay, I’ll take her in and if there’s no change or she’s worse, I won’t be surprised and I’ll make arrangements”.  But she’s still getting better, so I guess she’s not ready. 

The vet did say that the only reason she’s doing well is because of what I’ve been doing.  And he wants her to come back at the end of February, beginning of March for another blood test.  So, from what he said it looks like he’s pretty sure she’ll be with us for at least another month.  Maybe more.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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