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      Thursday, January 19, 2006

02:11 PM - 01/19/2006

The topic: She’s sleeping!


Woohoo!  I gave her a quarter of a Pepcid A/C, thinking that her tummy was upset.  And I moved one of the heating pads to the under her.  It was a heating pad from one of the cat beds I got last year, one that only comes on when there’s pressure on it.

I had a heating pad over there when DeeJay was alive, but I didn’t think she liked it, because she was always scootched off of it.  But I guess with him gone, she’s lost her heat source.  So, maybe with the combination of fluids, food, heat and tummy soother, she’s finally feeling good enough to sleep.  And with sleep, hopefully will come better health.

God, it’s good to see her looking relaxed.

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11:55 AM - 01/19/2006
I'm watching Law & Order on TNT

The topic: Sick kitties


I’ve got good Lonee news.  She didn’t poop during the night, but mid morning she went in the laundry room (her favorite spot) and it was no longer really runny and yellow brown.  It’s firming up and not nearly so loose.  And part of it actually had a form to it.

Annie still isn’t showing signs of an appetite.  I started force feeding her yesterday.  I figure if I can give her drugs to perk up her appetite (which really made her nervous), then force feeding her can’t be all that bad. She doesn’t fight me and she doesn’t spit out the food, she swallows it okay.  I’m wondering if there’s still some problem with her balance and the fact that maybe she’s kind of dizzy is making it hard for her to eat and drink. 

She did a nice sized poop in the litter box here in the office, so it would appear all of her intestines are functioning as they’re supposed to.

I just wish she’d sleep (and if you’ve got a cat who won’t sleep, you know there’s a problem).  I think a couple of good long naps would do here a world of good. 

I don’t think I can do this for months and months.  With DeeJay, he got daily fluids and that was it.  He’d go outside, he’d sleep on a chair on the patio, he’d find different places around the house to snooze, he had a life.  He was stick thin, but he was second only to Handsome for begging for food.  He had some quality of life.  But if Annie doesn’t show any signs of getting better, I’m not going to drag this out.  I watch her closely for every little sign. 

She gets up to greet me when I enter the room in the morning.  She looks towards the area where I keep the food, even though she barely touches it (which makes me wonder how hungry she is).  She cleans herself after I feed her, washing her paws and washing her face, cleaning the food spots on her coat she can reach. 

When I take her in for a retest on Monday, we’ll see if she’s making progress.  If she’s not, I have some serious thinking to do.  Because this is no life at all.  If she’s making progress, I’m willing to do as much as I have to, that’s a given.  I love this little girl and I’m not ready to say goodbye.

But sometimes, goodbye is the best we can do.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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