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      Wednesday, January 18, 2006

12:56 PM - 01/18/2006

The topic: The website problems


As I said in a previous entry, it was an email problem. And I think what happened is some spammer was using one of my domain names as a return address.  So, all the bounced mail came back to me, except I never saw any of it, so I didn’t know there was a problem. 

Anyway, we killed both the lisaviolet.com and lisaviolet.net email.  I set up lisaviolet.com elsewhere, since I don’t really use it all that much.  lisaviolet.net mail is gone. Kaput.  Non-existant. 

Damned spammers.  They’re worse than dogs.

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11:50 AM - 01/18/2006
I'm listening to Leo Kottke

The topic: So, how’s your ego?


Last week, I found this fun little thing over at isfullofcrap.com. It kind of tests your web presence. Kind of. I guess.

Anyway, I tried it. I don't know if this is something I should be proud of, though.


Check yourself out!

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11:20 AM - 01/18/2006

The topic: The Washing Machine


I haven’t made an entry recently because my attention has been on some of the website problems that have been happening since the migration.  Now that those are taken care of, I can once again turn my eyes to my much maligned washing machine.

Last week, I stood in front of it with my camera and took a couple of pictures to show exactly what I see when it quits working.  When it begins its first rest, this is what I see:

When the machine has waited what it considers a sufficient amount of time, it restarts where it left off.  And when the problem continues, it starts up this most annoying chirp or beep, that does not stop until I hit the damned thing with a big hammer…no, wait, that’s just what I do in my head, in reality, I push the button below readout area. 

This is supposed to stop the machine.  Most of the time, it does.  It then resumes its cycle.  But it can go on this way for hours and hours.

What I started doing yesterday, for the trial/clean out laundries is I run the sanitary cycle, where the water is hot, hot, hot (this machine actually has a heater to superheat the water).  When it’s finished the wash cycle, I stop the cycle altogether, run the drain/spin cycle, then restart it with the sanitary cycle.  I’m hoping repeated attacks of hot water where the detergent has built up over the years, will help clear it out faster.

Yesterday, I actually considered pointing the occasional cam at the washer.

Wouldn’t that be fun?

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11:04 AM - 01/18/2006

The topic: Missing DeeJay


So, it’s been five days now. And I don’t seem to miss him a lot. I did look for him last night when I walked into the family room and Brian was watching television. I looked next to Brian to see Deej and he wasn’t there. I no longer hear him at my feet in the office. I don’t feel him rubbing on my legs. I don’t hear him climbing up on the chair next to the bed at night.

My cat towel usage has gone way down, there hasn’t been one puddle of pee in the laundry room since he left. (Yes, there’s poop, Lonee quit using a litterbox for some reason, but that’s pretty easy to clean up, unless she has the runs like yesterday and today.) And since Oliver has started on the amoxicillan, there has been no pee in the bathroom.  It’s safe to go in there at night without turning on the light.

I guess maybe it was because I had resolved myself to the fact, for all these years, that he wouldn’t be one of those cats who lived to see his twenties. Every month, I wondered if he’d be here next month. So, I guess that helped me with his passing and his absence. I think I’m more melancholy than sad. I think that’s a better description of how I feel.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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