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      Tuesday, January 17, 2006

04:43 PM - 01/17/2006
I'm watching Everybody Loves Raymond

The topic: Damn it


Well, there is something going on with the cats. 

Lonee had some of the most noxious diarrhea early this afternoon, then it looks like she did a little puking later on.  Her stool looked okay this morning.

Handsome finally is acting more like Handsome.  I did start him on the stuff the vet prescribed for him last year. 

I’m not really happy with Annie’s progress.  She is getting easier to give fluids to and she did get up on the officecam table earlier today and she sat there with eyes closed, drinking in the sun and fresh air.  Almost fell over a couple of time, because she kept falling asleep. 

She did show quite a bit of interest in the Natural Choice Complete Care kibble I have as treats for the rest of the cats.  I gave her probably about fifty pieces of food and she ate it down, then I gave her some more.  Eating is always good. 

Oliver is being treated for a bladder infection.  We thought it was DeeJay, but the puddle of pink urine on the master bath floor Saturday morning indicated otherwise.  There hasn’t been a puddle since (maybe it was a DeeJay farewell).  I did start Oliver on amoxicillan Saturday morning.

Potter has signs of having had some sort of loose stool.  The signs are on his tail.

I’m hoping that Lonee and Potter’s problem can be narrowed down to the treats I was giving them.  I found some old dry cat food and thought maybe it would be okay as a treat.  I only tossed it out twice, but that might have been more than enough. I threw it out this afternoon.  Neither of them are showing heavy signs of illness, just a little lethargic.  I’ll keep a close eye on them, but with any luck, whatever it is will have resolved in a couple of days.

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09:40 AM - 01/17/2006

The topic: The clowder


I said something to Brian this morning about maybe there being something that the cats are coming down with, because they’re all being so quiet.   When I made his lunch, there were two or three kitties around.  Handsome being one, but he wasn’t being very verbal, just sat on the floor watching me.

He said “maybe they’re sad”. 

Yeah, that could be it.

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09:20 AM - 01/17/2006
I'm watching Excaliber

The topic: Sucky tech morning


I come on this morning to find out the three sites that had been moved were down all night (I checked my tracker and the times the sites are accessed are listed). After a few hours, I was able to access lisaviolet.com. Then I check my mail, there's another response to my ticket from last Saturday.

  • "I regret to inform you that we once again had to remove the DNS zone for lisaviolet.net. It appears the spammer was directing mail at this one TLD (i.e. not .com). lisaviolet.com's DNS zone is currently still active. Despite us removing the mail entries for the DNS zone, the mail is still being routed to the server. It was necessary to remove the DNS zone to reduce the strain on the server. "

They’ve shut down lisaviolet.net, the site with my photo gallery.  Lovely.  Because of email spammers.  The host turned off my email and the spammer was still able to use the server or something.  This is all beyond my comprehension, I have no idea what this all means or how someone is accessing their server to send mail.  I’m not getting any bounces as I did when a spammer once used one of my domains as a return address.  I got thousands of bounced mail that time.

The really strange this is I can still access the photo gallery.  I wish they could fix the problem once and for all.  It’s getting annoying.  Very annoying.

I did download the entire site this morning, just in case it gets lost.  This is no fun at all.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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